
Legislator slams telecom companies amid poor network

By Bida Elly

The SPLM party chief whip at the national legislative assembly has called on the national communication authority to invest many efforts towards improving the Country’s telecommunication services from the state of jeopardy to compete with advance Countries.

This development arose during the opening ceremony of the three days forum of connecting South Sudan through innovation and technology.

Citizens across the Country have often raised alarms over the poor telecommunication services of the Country as a result of weakness from operating telecom companies.

Recently, the leading telecommunication companies have increased communication tariffs after approval from national communication authority (NCA) thrice creating unconducive communication environment to citizens especially merchants who use it as a channel for income generation.

Majority of citizens have made move to quit these companies upon increment of the tariffs that blocked their chances to connect with their partners in variety of aspects.

Speaking on behalf of the minister of information, communication and postal services, Rebecca Joshua Okwachi, SPLM chief whip at national legislative assembly said that majority of citizens in states are facing difficulties  in communication access due to poor and lack of networks.

She reiterated need for the leading operating telecommunication companies to seriously consider extension of communication networks to areas that don’t have the services in the middle of the current security situation.

Rebecca pointed out that South Sudan as a young nation must demonstrate all necessary ways to improve its technology through innovation exercised by the young people.

She said that it is through technology that most Countries across the globe develop.

Nevertheless, Rebecca also appreciated South Sudan young innovators who tirelessly work towards building new skills through development of new soft wares and websites for simplifying activities.

She said that ICT and telecommunication services would be good if people work towards success of the peace agreement which was left with incomplete provisions.

Rebecca slammed the private telecommunication services for having failed to reach networks to remote areas limiting their services to town.

She said that they should not blame the parliament if critics against their poor services are put on deliberations.

She further lauded the job well done by the national communication authority towards working to improve the information communication technology through innovative schemes.

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