
Kiir calls on IDPs, refugees to return home

By Bida Elly David

President Salva Kiir Mayardit has called on the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees in the neighbouring countries to return to their homes of origin promising them full security and provision of land upon return.

This development came during the president’s meeting at Freedom Hall with IDPs representatives from UNMISS Juba’s protection of civilians site.

The President’s session with IDPs representatives was organized under the theme: Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Peace and Resettlement aimed at promoting the spirit of unity amongst the people of South Sudan.

Speaking during the event at the Freedom Hall yesterday, President Kiir assured the IDPs of their security while calling on the international partners to support the government in reintegrating returnees back to their areas of origin.

“For those who will opt to return to their habitual areas of residence, the government will provide security and would work jointly with partners to organize logistics around what is needed to resettle successfully in those areas,” the President said.

Kiir appealed to the IDPs and Refugees to return back to their respective areas of origin or opt to be resettled in Juba with a guarantee of land provision.

He further said communications have already been made with state authorities with camps to resettle plots of land for the IDPs.

He also called on citizens to embrace the spirit of forgiveness, unity and nationalism for national stability for better development.

“Equally, for those who cannot go back to their areas of residence, we have spoken to authorities in states where IDPs camps are located to set aside land to resettle them. I must add that this land, when designated, must be allocated to IDPs and IDPs only,” President Kiir stressed.

The President also called for the repatriation of refugees back to the country from different camps in the neighbouring countries.

“We know that about 2.3 million of our people still live in refugee camps in neighbouring countries. With peace implementation moving towards the final phase where elections will end the transitional period, repatriating our people from the camps in neighbouring countries should top our agenda,” he added.

On his part Central Equatoria State Governor, Emmanuel Adil Anthony assured the IDPs of maximum security and also noted that homes that were taken during the crisis in 2013 and 2016 must be returned to their rightful owners.

Adil also called on the IDPs to stand with the President to bring peace and stability to the country.

The leaders and representatives of the Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees reaffirmed their full support and commitment towards the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, calling on the government to provide them with land to resettle and other basic needs such as water, food and health services.

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