It is okay to question the patterns and all that we aren’t comfortable with. But the truth is, life never answers questions the way we want them. You can be a God-fearing person and a prayer warrior at the same. Still, that won’t stop problems from having you down on your knees at some points in life.
Just because you have been a good person all your life will never stop God from giving you the share of the burden. And in reality, we don’t get that wisdom to understand most of the things in this life. For most things, they will only make you humble. Things like sickness, loss, pain and loss are inevitable and they pay us surprising visits. This is to say, that you always don’t know what tomorrow holds, if you do, you are a witch, but witches don’t have that power to foresee the future, if they do, there is nothing they can do about it.
Try to understand something, life, with all its good and bad, has been one of Gods greatest punishments to mankind. Everything we are facing, pain and all that we encounter on the way. The rough terrains. The fear of the unknown. The rejection. What is the meaning of all these? The problems and heartbreaks. Nobody has a clue as to why things are just hard the way they are. Everything is painful and the moment we draw closer to God for solutions, we just find him busy and our eyes just flood with tears.
The struggle and punches every single minute never stop. The beating and whipping by life, who is safe? Many problems with few or no solutions at all. Why do we have to pass through all this? Why does it seem like something is telling us that God has completely given up on us? For years now we have been playing our cards safely but nothing has ever made sense in the run long. Life is tightening the ropes and we are instead getting far behind like never before.
The hope that we have been clinging on for years now is tired and it will soon let us down.
Patience too that has been there with us is finding its own way out and it will soon disappear. God on the hand is quiet and we are just left alone in the desert without anyone to run for any assistance. Every door that we knock just slams itself in front of us leaving us with no choice but to wonder why everything is happening like this. Our problems keep on heaping and when we reach out to God for help, the prayers just hit the top of the roof and they fall back on our heads.
Every minute and now, there seems to be challenge coming from all the corners and we got knocked down whenever we try to resist. It is death of a loved one now. Someone has just lost his job and not sure if they will really make it through. It is a young man praying every day for God to open his ways forward. And all those that we go through in our quest for solutions to our problems.
There is no doubt, every challenge comes with a purpose either to break or to build you and that would be based on the way you will react to the problem. When you don’t complain about anything and do something for yourself no matter how small it is, God will hold your hand and you can reach there faster than you could imagine but if you blame God for your unfavorable situation, am sorry but you will complain for the rest of your life.
There is need to celebrate every little bit of thing you have and one of these things is your life. It is a gift that has been denied to millions of people and you happen to be one of the people who has been entrusted with life. This is a blessing enough and that is a big thing to celebrate. You may not believe in yourself.
You may not be comfortable with your physical appearance. You may be going through a lot but that is not a proof that God has completely abandoned you. You are among the people he loved so dearly, and you need to love yourself too and appreciate this life because 60 or 100 years from now, you are not going to be here. We would be gone, and we will never come back for the second time.
This is why we should cherish every moment whether it is of joy of or sorrow because none of this is inevitable. It is a twist and turns and patience is the master here. When it doesn’t work quickly or when we have been in the process for years without any possibility of making it, we should not lose hope. We must hold in there and go against every obstacle and the first step towards achieving this goal is self-acceptance. Most of us are still struggling with identity crisis maybe in real life or in Christ. We think that we are not enough and this rob us of our happiness.
Let me tell what self-acceptance all is about and the great influence it has on our road to self-discovery. There is this great Australian-born motivational speaker that I can use as an example about self-discovery in the names of Nick Vujicic. Nick is a rare human being or a superhuman. Having been born with a rare disorder characterized by lack of limbs (arms and legs). Nick suffered with self-acceptance. He was bullied by his childhood friends, and he nearly killed himself, but he narrowly survived a suicide.
This was before he discovered that God has a plan for his life. After some years, things began to change for the better and indeed God created him with a purpose to be an eye opener for people who might be going through similar challenges.
Nick is now a worlds renowned church minister, millionaire and a life changing motivational speaker, but his life story is full of troubles and difficulties, but he managed to find his purpose at the end. The lesson here is that God will never abandon his creatures if they are willing to stand up for the life they want. We should be willing to stand firm and call on God without ever thinking of giving up.