By Emelda Siama John Lopula
Juba Mayors, Michael Lado Allah-Jabu has dissolved the 57 quarter councils within the City Council jurisdiction.
The city mayor pronounced the dissolution via a local order issued on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, pending the formation of new executive bodies.
Alluding to as “Local Order No. 05/2023 for the dissolution of all the 57 quarter councils in Juba city,” the order comes into force on the date of its signature and authentication within two weeks’ time.
“I, Michael Lado Thomas Allah-Jabu, the mayor of Juba Council City, do hereby issue this Local Order for the dissolution of all the Quarter Councils from their positions” the order reads in part.
“…form, and commission technical committee members to facilitate the formation of the New Quarter Council Executive Bodies within 14 days” it added.
The mayor’s order also spelt out terms of reference for the committee tasked to form new quarter councils’ executive bodies.
The committee was first directed to organize the formation of new Quarter Councils Executive body within 14 days.
Secondly, the committee members were to develop tenets and generate a report that would inform the office of the mayor on the areas of adjustment, adoption as well as necessary resolutions.
Thirdly, the committee’s two-week timeframe to execute their duty, from the date the mayor signed the order.
Fourth, the three blocks’ directors are to facilitate the handing over of all the stamps, assets, and all necessary official documents for the quarter councils with immediate effect.
The mayor warned that failure to comply with the local order attracts administrative measures against the violators.
“Administrative measures shall be taken against him/her according to the quarter council’s By-laws 2017,” he notified.
The committee has also been asked to co-opt any member and initiate any necessary point that can be utilized as task of resolution.
Juba City Council Administration including the Block Councils (Juba, Kator, and Munuki) in collaboration with State and National Agencies; were asked to ensure implementation of the local order.
Other agencies include Public Order and Security organs (NSS, CI, MI, CID), Law enforcement agencies, Sector commanders, and Police Division commanders in and around Juba City Council.