National, News

Lawmaker slams South Sudanese over weird Western culture

By Bida Elly David

A member of transitional national legislative assembly has slammed South Sudanese against adoption of Western cultures, particularly, those promoting immoral activities in the Country.

MP Mahmud Biel, the chief whip of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) party raised the concern during national archives and records management bill 2023 debate, on Tuesday.

The MP expressed his displeasure over Western culture, attributing it to destruction of lives youth, in the Country.

“Our culture in South Sudan has got much different from foreign cultures. There are certain songs that are not supposed to be played in radio stations, television as a matter of fact” he argued.

He explained that songs that promote sexual immoralities accompanied by seductive clothes are example of the negative Western cultural practices.

Mr. Biel said that the adoption of cultures of wearing miniskirts, “damages”, and transparent clothes has transformed South Sudan’s ancient culture into satanic kingdom.

He stressed that South Sudanese no longer maintain their cultural values and heritage of discipline where women and men dress neatly without exposing their supernatural morphology to the public.

“We have lost our cultural discipline as South Sudanese through the adoption of foreign culture to the point of abandoning our dressing codes, our traditional songs” he noted.

Biel said young people listen to noneducative songs that do not benefit them and dress indecent ‘So, where are heading to: he questioned.

The lawmaker slammed parents against leaving their children to practice destructive culture that spoils public reputation of families, noting that immoral activities ruin the destinies of the young ones.

He also blamed the government for failing to ban the use of non-educative videos, songs and images that promote immorality, among young and middle-aged people in the country.

“You as parents should not value the immoral acts of your children just because of financial gain” he advised.

Biel further stated that some parts of South Sudan have already adopted the Western culture of practicing homosexuality pointing out an area in Juba that takes in lead in the activity.

“There is a practice of homosexuality going on these days in Juba. There are men marrying themselves in Atlabara” he claimed.

“If men start marrying themselves then who will be in charge of producing children as women shall be abandoned. We as South Sudanese are not supposed to accept such practice,” Biel moaned.

He disputed that homosexuality practice is out of human rights laws as claimed by those advocating for it.

“We cannot give a chance for the human right body to talk about homosexuality. There is no natural human right laws in support of homosexuality which are not there even in the holy book,” he slammed.

The lawmaker called on the government to focus on promoting South Sudanese cultural practices.

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