Editorial, Gadgets

To onlookers, it’s not the powers that be, but those seeking political cakes, who frequently push for changes in positions, curtailing growth, out of inconsistence.

Unless a measure is devised to harmonize political ill-talking out of misconceptions, those in office will continue to be insecure, unstable and nursing heart attacks.

The most unfortunate is, why the government broadcaster, the South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) gains popularity among citizens, The Decrees.

Monday to Friday, at 8:00 P.m., viewer statistics on SSBC rises like Dollar rate while at the very moment, appointees tangle with uncertainties of surviving in office.

It’s a moment ministers, governors, commissioners, Directors and many others in office through appointments fret in agony. This could also explain why Hypertension is common among our leaders, but medical doctors know it better.

Minister of Presidential Affairs, Joseph  Bangasi Bakasoro, being closer, should have made the signatory to the decrees aware of effects of the ink.

Frequent Decrees stir instability in appointees and loss of focus to steer long-term development programs to completion. If some inconsistencies occur in accountability, it is due to the need to prepare for landing grounds after a Decree.

When manoeuvring stormy circumstances as we are in now, there is no need to change drivers, what so ever opposing voices sound louder.

Like the Central Bank governor, Dr. James Alic Garang and the Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr. Bak Barnabas Chol, new bread, circumvented with old bottlenecks, expect the duo to perform no miracles overnight.

But when given time to bypass the muddy seasons, every appointee seeks to leave a legacy behind, rather than leaving the country limping with leprosy.

Exerting political pressure to remove an official for the sake of change without assessing the outcome or for personal gain, only adds more misery to our nation than finding solutions, as there are no angels, here.

Those pleasuring hearing Decrees, change your attitudes too.

For peace, block political cake seekers.

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