Lakes state, National, News

Armed Youths raid recovered cattle at army barracks


By Yang Ater Yang


A group of armed youths from Pakam community, Rumbek North County attacked a military base in Malek Payam, Rumbek Central County to raid cattle, on Sunday.

Lakes State police spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac while confirming the incident to No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, on Monday said the assailants killed one security officer.

“The attackers killed one security personnel and wounded a woman and a regional court member from Maper in a crossfire. They also stole over 50 head of cattle that were being held by security forces at the base,” Maj. Makuac said.

The cattle, according to Maj. Makuac, were previously raided from Luanyjang community in Tonj East County.

Lakes State government had been working to return them to their rightful owners.

“The government is actively engaging Pakam’s armed youth and their traditional leaders to apprehend the attackers and recover the stolen cattle,” Maj. Makuac stated.

“Reports suggest three individuals died during the attack, but their identities remain unclear. We are investigating to determine who they were” he added,

Maj. Makuac issued a strong warning to communities whose are youth are always involved in the circle of attacks and cattle raiding and killing.

“Attacking your own government is a recurring issue in Lakes State. Stop these acts! This government serves your well-being. There’s no reason to turn on your own security forces.” The police spokesperson echoed

“I urge anyone with a weapon and considering attacking a government position to refrain immediately!” he emphasized.


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