National, News

MP urges gov’t to intensify border surveillance with Sudan

By William Madouk


A lawmaker in the national parliament has appealed to the government of South Sudan to tighten the security patrol at the border areas with neighbouring Sudan as war rages.

Legislator Stephen Lual, who represents Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) ticket stated that stringent border control with Sudan is vital to control the leakage of weapons and unwanted elements.

“My information is about the border, there is now an allegation that guns are coming from Sudan,” he claimed.

“We need to ups surveillance in our border to thwart unwanted entrance on the border by armed men and elements with bad faiths,” he added.

MP Lual hinted that the Sudan war has reached a dangerous stage and as such government must seal off its borders from any security degeneration.

Lual also alleged that many South Sudanese refugees in Khartoum are facing hardship including multiple abuses, killings and rape.

“Thus, many phenomena appeared regarding our citizens who are in Sudan presently, every day we register or receive a phone call about the abuses, killings and rape and these are South Sudanese citizens,” MP claimed.

“We need as a parliament to find ways on how to defend our citizens who are in Sudan who are currently stranded, they don’t even have the ability to come out.”

Moreover, he called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant ministries to take swift action.

“Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Committee of Defense and the government must exert concerted efforts to help our people who are in Sudan,” he appealed.

In response, Speaker Rt. Jemma Nunu Kumba directed the specialized committee on Foreign Affairs and that of Defence to collaborate with line ministries and resolve the matter.







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