By Bosco Bush
Ceasefire Transitional Security Mechanism Verification and Monitoring (CTSAMVM) has been accused of overstepping its mandate by some members of the technical committee.
In a technical committee meeting convened on Thursday, July 18, 2024, some stakeholders expressed dissatisfaction over the activities of CTSAMVM regarding the implementation of the security mechanisms as stipulated in the 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement.
Maj. Gen. Bior Leek, senior party representative of the Former Detainees (FDs) said they have been “suppressed” by CTSAMVM overtimes by the former chairpersons of the peace body whose duties reasonably dictate against the national monitors.
“We have been suppressed in the CTSAMVM, because each and every chairman when he comes here, he sides with the international community against the national monitors. I have witnessed more than 6 chairmen here,” he said.
“The matter that makes it worse, there is no transparency within CTSAMVM in terms of finances and employment. Our people here are subjected to be the third citizens within the CTSAM yet they have the right,” Leek said.
The closed-door meeting of the technical committee is expected to discuss and yield results in response to reports – and provide CTSAMVM with advice or support where necessary.
Leek called on the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to reconsider CTSAMVM chairmanship by not relying on a single country but rather recruiting officials from the IGAD member states on a rotational basis.
“I take this opportunity to urge IGAD to reconsider the chairmanship of CTSAM. It has to be rotated if we are from IGAD. Even bring from Somalia because sticking every time on one country it’s what is hurting CTSAM,” urged Leek.
He further urged CTSAMVM to stick to its mandate which is to monitor, verify and report violations of the ceasefire transitional security mechanisms.
The CITSAMVM chairperson is yet respond to the accusation.
CTSAMVM is the multinational body that monitors compliance with the South Sudan peace agreement signed in 2018.
CTSAMVM has Monitoring and Verification Teams (MVTs) located in 9 of the most conflict affected areas of the country.
The MVTs patrol their areas of responsibility and gather information on potential violations of the agreement which they immediately report to their headquarters in Juba for further action.