OpEd, Politics

Picturing our laws as a spider web

By Ustaz Mark Bang


For years, I have been following how laws of our nation work, and I have found out many people have never known this. Look! A child carrying a weapon threatens their parents and never knows that his dad once cleansed his buttocks, his nose, dressing her/him up, even washing her/him, and prepared a bed for her/him.

Reference to vulnerability: that is why our people continue to suffer even at the least expected stages. Never regret seeing yourself exposed to suffering due to these laws we are seeing happening here in our country. Where is the law? Even our national legislative assembly has sat to discuss ways forward in addressing all the challenges facing people who are present in the August House. How many times have they discussed things pertaining to their wellbeing, and how many times have we been seeing people suffering from the simplest things that they are supposed to have addressed? Please, dear MPs, you know this: you are doing nothing to us as citizens of this, our beloved nation. If you are to read this article, put it in mine that all people are tired of you. We will not at this time accept to give tickets to those who wouldn’t do all we expect to be done. Your being in August House is nothing to us as citizens. We are really regretting why we gave you a chance to be representing us in the national assembly. When the time comes, please know that you will not be given a ticket; otherwise, a vote of no confidence would be seen done by us.

A nation may not be called a nation if there are no people. For if there are no laws governing its land and people, I was puzzled by seeing many people going to the cell for no reason; many have been imprisoned for years, and these are things to have been solved just in an hour.

These high-ranking individuals are hardly questioned by the court if one has mistakenly broken the law, and this is due to what I term a “Spiders’s Web.” All many dead insects seem trapped hanging in spider’s web were caught up and later die simply because they couldn’t escape the trap. Spider’s Web only traps the weakest insects while the strongest penetrate without hindrances. It is so shocking if the judiciary have; it’s horrible denying the rights of innocent people and granting chances to those whose interests are to be met according to their own will, so willingly it’s uncalled for if the laws had their state, the state of sincerity, the state of reality, and incredibility; otherwise, my people will never know between law and unlawful, between right and wrong, and between peace and war; here the definition will never be known. Breaking the law has nothing to do with a person’s classification, religion, politics or tribe, education, or pride. Nothing! It’s law and had to be just as it is.

There is nothing citizens want in every country; all they need, want, and expect their leaders to do are a well-sustained economy, developed infrastructure, security, health facilities, and education. I know most of the people in the world fail to do these outlined things when they happen to get chances into leadership. My people have been waiting, waiting, and waiting to see that things are done, but not yet. How dare our government see sons and daughters of our devastated communities whose parents paid their own lives to liberate this country just like baggers yet not? It’s not their fault to have missed their beloved siblings, but because they do this so that their offspring may not suffer as we’re seeing this happening now. I speak to you now, but who ever tried one time to discuss these things? I think nobody cares. We never complain when our leaders are dinning in our blood, when leaders walk on us while on our bellies lying on the ground, when our food is taken out of us, and even when we’re denied basic utilities. Citizens are gladdened when these basic utilities are met; when they see that they’re protected, recognized, and the government plays great roles in serving at the best of their interest, their mission is accomplished. President is always made by people, and after should be for them. Our country should first invest in a level of security, a level of good governance, a level of permanent constitution that should guide the country, and a level of unity. When these things are met, all those traumatized societies will start to emerge in a strong consolidation to support that government, almost giving their teeth to the enemy. If these things are met, that government will rule for years and will never be questioned. All that citizens want is free public services that the government tries its best to bring near to them; all they want are things that stratify the well-being of their societies; all they want is to see equal rights. Thanks for reading. “Public Staunchest Ally”

The writer of this article is a human rights activist, writer, and professional teacher.


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