National, News

Tumaini Initiative not dead-Makuei

By William Madouk


Information Minister Michael Makuei has firmly refuted rumours that the Tumaini Initiative, a dialogue process between the South Sudanese government and holdout groups, is dead.

Makuei, who is also the government spokesperson was reacting to rumours spread by peddlers of “fake news” who said that the Tumaini initiative is ‘dead’ and buried a long time ago.

“I would like to inform the people of South Sudan and the public that the Tumaini Initiative is ongoing and is alive. Don’t listen to the rumours that are being spread that Tumaini is dead,” said Makuei who is also a government rapporteur in Nairobi.

Makuei said the glitches were a normal issue in any negotiations, asserting that peace is around the corner.

“So, we are optimistic with the Tumaini, we will be able to come up with the Tumaini Consensus that will save the people and lead to peace, stability and prosperity in South Sudan,” he noted.

“My message to the people of South Sudan is that they should not get scared, these are normal hiccups, ups and downs and efforts are underway now to bring the process back to normalcy,” Makuei continued.

His clarification just came a day after the parties to the Tumaini Initiative met Kenya’s President William Ruto.

The peace talks kicked off in Nairobi in May, but stopped last month after the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO), under the First Vice President Riek Machar walked out.

The SPLM-IO claimed that the protocols would undermine the provisions of the 2018 peace deal. The talks in Nairobi were meant to bring holdout groups on board and silence the guns.

So far, the mediation is at an advanced phase after parties to Tumaini initialled several protocols.

According to the chief mediator – Gen Sumbeiywo, the mediation briefed the leadership in Juba and said that they were waiting for the government delegation to return to the talks.

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