OpEd, Politics

The leadership that God intended: Man with leadership principles, life and sacrifice THEME, GOD’S CHOICE!

By Rev. Nathaniel G. Aduotdiit.


God is a living being and, as such, should be seen and treated equally, just like man, who was created in his image and resemblance.

He has a choice, that is, the right to choose between one person or the other; he makes decisions and has the potential to choose or select among His creatures who or what to use at a given time. There are qualifications for every vacancy, and one must be found worthy of it before he can be chosen. Everybody cannot be qualified at the same time. In every vacant position, there are set-down works to be done, and God will not fail to choose men who will be willing to listen and execute His word without applying human wisdom. He is not a desperate God; therefore, he cannot make his choice out of desperation; as well, desperate people cannot fall among the chosen ones.

When God wants to choose his candidate, he doesn’t go for people he will prepare but for people with a willing heart, which means God searches the hearts of his children before he puts them in any position of authority. Men need Men who will fulfil their heart’s desires politically and put them in authority like King Saul was the people’s choice whose choice was to do the will of man; likewise, God looks forth for men who will not be consumed with their personal ego or overshadowed with personal interest.

In the case of David, God said, “I have seen, “which means He sorted for and found such a heart in David. Every spiritual position demands a fitting heart to occupy it. Kings are born and not made. He didn’t plant his will in the life of David, but he discovered that David has the heart to do his will. You don’t learn to please God; it is intuitive. Grace helps you to bring this dream to reality. This is his discovery about the man David, and he decided to use what he found in him. Both God and the Devil use what they find in man.

David didn’t pray to become a king; God chose him because of what he found in him—his godly ambition. Pastor Adepoye, founder of Redeemed Christian Church of God, once said, “One thing I didn’t ask God for is what He gave him.” That’s the position of general overseer. God found the heart of a leader in him and promoted him to lead his people. God does not appoint you for a position because you prayed for it or desired it, but because he found you worthy of it.

What am I insinuating? The heart of a man must be kept ready at all times given the unexpected opportunity. Yeah, opportunity can come at any time, and those who are prepared shall be chosen. Today many spiritual giants are handing over, and God is picking vessels worthy to take over.

These are men who have prepared their hearts before now.

Have you imagined why people we trusted with vital positions either in the church or society end up disappointing? That is because when we go for people we feel like they have prepared themselves either academically or spiritually. At times, what we prepare ourselves for might not be potential in us, therefore we end up losing. The siblings of David were not vagabonds.

Inefficient, worthless, or useless as some of us might think. Remember the Philistinian and Israelite battle in which Goliath was involved? The siblings of David were among the soldiers of Israel, while David was considered a youth and was not numbered among them, but David was chosen by God. God is not looking for the best soldier.

He is not looking for the most brilliant or educated; he is not looking for the most handsome or the tallest among them; he is not looking for the most eloquent speaker; but he is searching for the man who will do his will. A heart that will sacrifice his will for His, the man that will take pleasure in doing or carrying out divine orders, a man that will be interested in hearing His voice, a man that can’t be controlled by his emotions,

The man who will set aside his ego, the man who will always be available for divine mission. The man the world will classify as a stubborn fellow, but heaven rejoices because of him.

God bless you all.

By Rev. Nathaniel G. Aduotdiit, opinion writer on biblical reality articles


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