By Ustaz Mark Bang Yes, it does! There is more blessing in giving than receiving; I have never seen people die when it comes to helping others. Those to whom we are to help are vulnerable people and communities, the blind, cripples, elderly, children and women. In all the[Read More…]
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Giving to the Nation
You are a teacher. You are blessed with great knowledge. You are blessed with many great skills. You have great values and attitude. God planned it that you become a teacher. He must have a purpose for it. The purpose must not be far from giving to the Nation.[Read More…]
Could an 11-month salary delay be a sign of “salaropause”?
September is gone! It is eleven months now without the salary. Since when the salary delay started, it has never exceeded six months. It usually used to hang between four and five months. Something must be wrong. Maybe the salary has reached a menopausal age, forcing me to coin a[Read More…]
Let me tell you a story of an unowned box of diamond
Three people were journeying on foot. It was a 21-day journey across jungles, rivers and mountains. So hectic, wasn’t it? On the 21st day, while some kilometres away from their final destination, they saw a box along the road. Rushing to ascertain what the box could contain, they found that[Read More…]
Is it impossible to return to our traditional way of life?
Our socio-economic status would remain poor either forever or for a number of years. Those days, people used to camp along water bodies to spend summer period. The camping could begin in the months of October, November and December so that by February, every camper had settled. The camps used[Read More…]
Yesterday, I was torn apart by a story I watched
While sipping coffee next to a boda-boda station, I encountered a fascinating story to tell. Having arranged their motorbikes in a row and sat on them, a passenger came and signaled a boda-boda rider for transport. Guess what the riders did! They gave a chance to a rider whose children[Read More…]
Can this wisdom be found?
Wisdom teaches others. It educates us to transform. Teaching others is not limited to classroom. With wisdom, you can help others learn. You can make others see what they don’t see. You can take others from the dark world to the world of light. Many people think it is a[Read More…]
I am a degree holder in fear
By Theem Isaac Machar Akot While citizens are graduating from fear and silence, others have already obtained their PhDs in brutality and embezzlement. This is the paradox South Sudanese are going through. In layman’s terms, the government is cruelly controlling the nation. Hence, citizens lost voices and presentation. This[Read More…]
Why I write about human conditions
Each one of us is carrying a burden, just emerging from it or racing towards another. We all race differently. There are slow runners, those who run faster, and those unsure of what is happening. It doesn’t mean you are left behind when all options are exhausted. The destination is[Read More…]
Love your neighbour as you love yourself (Part Three)
By Ustaz Mark Bang “Love your neighbor as yourself.” How much do you love yourself? How much is too much? I love myself enough to defend myself from everything that can hurt me without even thinking if I should do it. I think it is a good definition of[Read More…]
Statement of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan at the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Thursday 26th September 2024 , New York Delivered by: Hon. Ramadan Mohammed Abdallah Goc Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates Ladies and Gentlemen, At the onset, allow me to extend warm greetings and congratulations on behalf of H.E. President Salva Kiir[Read More…]
Who does the government belong to?
By Ustaz Mark Bang The answer is that the government we all know, whether from here in South Sudan, Africa, or the world, belongs to you, him, or me. Don’t ever think dully, my brother or sister that it belongs to Mr. C or D; never, it’s us, and[Read More…]
Love your neighbor as you love yourself (Part Two)
By Ustaz Mark Bang Whenever you’re making a choice between things, you aim for the best or you choose the most quality of them for yourself without considering others; in the same way, if you wish to show kindness to another, give them the best of what you have:[Read More…]
Grass grow and wither
By Ustaz Mark Bang The notion that people’s rise and fall are primarily due to their own thoughts and actions is a complex philosophical topic that thinkers throughout history have debated. There are several perspectives to consider. From an individualistic standpoint, the idea holds that people are largely responsible[Read More…]
Shame on me, a master’s degree student
This story will shock you! I was given two weeks’ break from the University and also two weeks’ leave from my work place. I thought about where to go and spend the two weeks. I looked at spending them in Juba. I concluded it wouldn’t materialize since I was very[Read More…]
Love your neighbor as you love yourself (Part One)
By USTAZ MARK BANG We are not truly taking this word in the sense that our people see it and do it. If it were to be the time when our people committed themselves to selflessly fighting for you or me, we would never experience this era of mischief-making.[Read More…]
Teacher, what does election mean and how is it done? A student asked me
During teaching at Peasants’ Children School at the outskirt of Juba, a 14-year-old boy asked me for what election means and how it is done. I tell you, I felt ashamed as if I were the one who cold-bloodedly killed democracy in South Sudan. But because I could not stand[Read More…]
The leadership that God intended: Man with leadership principles, life and sacrifice THEME, GOD’S CHOICE!
By Rev. Nathaniel G. Aduotdiit. God is a living being and, as such, should be seen and treated equally, just like man, who was created in his image and resemblance. He has a choice, that is, the right to choose between one person or the other; he makes decisions[Read More…]
Freedom is not really free (Part Two)
By USTAZ MARK BANG This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what[Read More…]
On that day, some Peters will deny Jesus Christ
Do you know a man called Jesus Christ? Soldiers asked Peter, a prominent disciple of Jesus Christ who walked on water at the invitation of Jesus. “I do not know him completely”, Peter replied. For the third time, he denied Jesus Christ, but he shortly recalled what Jesus had told[Read More…]