By Emelda Siama John
The mayor of Juba City Michael Lado Allah-Jabu has issued a local order, Thursday endorsing and commissioning the work of a Juba City Council Boda-Boda Association Steering Committee in a quest to form a new Boda-Boda association in the city.
The Administration of Juba City Council will support the work of the endorsed and Commissioned Juba City Council Boda-Boda Association Steering Committee to accomplish their task, of birthing a new association.
Juba city mayor, Michael Lado Allah-Jabu, issued the Local Order No. 01/2023 for commissioning the work of the Juba City Council Boda-Boda Association Steering Committee and shall come into force on the date of its signature and authentication by the Mayor.
“In the exercise of Powers conferred upon me by Gubernatorial Decree No. 50/2021 dated 19th November 2021, CES read together with section 57 of the Local Government Act, 2009 and reference to recommendations from the report of the Juba City Council High-Level Technical Committee for Boda-Boda Association formed vide Local Order No. 16/2022.
“I Michael Lado Thomas Allah-Jabu – Mayor of Juba City Council do hereby issue this Local Order for the Endorsement and commissioning of the work of the Juba City Council Boda-Boda Association Steering Committee,” the order partly read.
The Executive Body of the “JCC Boda-Boda Association Steering Committee” includes Levi Abugo Lasuba – Chairperson, David Guguei Akau – Vice Chairperson, Kizito Guya Kenyi – Chief Administrator, Thon Aleny – Treasurer, Nyambur Kenyi Gabriel – Secretary, Amule Moses – D/Secretary, Hawa Musa Albino – Deputy Treasurer, Johnson Mabok Madit – Member, James Ladu Felix – Member, Operi Joseph – Member, Samuel Lojuron – Member, Amet Kuol Amet – Member, Simon Aligo Wilson – Member, Lokoseyo Henry Kenyi – Member, Elizabeth Atet Gum – Member.
The Mayor’s order further outlined the “Terms of Reference” of the JCC Boda-Boda Association Steering Committee as follows;
First; to make preparation for the launch of activities of the steering committee in consultation with and guidance by the administration of Juba City Council. And Supported by the Juba City Council Legal Advisor (s), the Steering Committee is tasked with developing Constitution for the Juba City Council Boda-Boda Association.
Second; Conduct sensitization and registration of Boda-Boda Association members as guided by the Juba City Council High-Level Committee for Boda-Boda Association. A written guide for registration is formulated and approved by the Juba City Council authorities.
Furthermore, the local order stated that the mandate of the Steering committee shall ceases after 12 months from its launching, enhanced with proper handover to the planned elected Executive Committee for the Juba City Council Boda-Boda Association. And any other duty and responsibility may be given by the leadership and Administration of Juba City Council.