
It would be proficient for those aggrieved in a nation to seek amity to resolve any discontent than through abduction of citizens and subject them to misery. As the rest of South Sudan grapples with economic turmoil, citizens trying to come to terms with high cost of living, those in[Read More…]

Food safety is akin to national security, hence must be jealously guided with utmost stringent measures, as lives of citizens depend upon. Hon. Mayen Deng Alier is right to urge the National Bureau of Standards to tighten its grip on goods’ safety. As chairperson of specialized committee on Trade and[Read More…]

An African leader once said “Better poverty in liberty than wealth in bondage” and this philosophy, too should sink deep in the mind of every citizen, despite challenges. South Sudan took over 20 bloody years to gain independence and total freedom of the citizens is yet to be achieved but[Read More…]

Journalists must be free to report without intimidation. On Wednesday, journalists covering the parliamentary proceedings on the National Security Bill walked out after security agents reportedly barred them from recording and taking photographs. They faced unacceptable intimidation and obstruction from security agents while trying to carry out their duties. The[Read More…]

It’s a shocker that the Ministry of Finance and Planning halts all government spendings including payment of salaries, due to lack of budget as the previous Fiscal year comes to an end. What happened to the finances of 2023/2024 Fiscal year budget where about 7-8 months’ salaries have remained unpaid,[Read More…]

Several political parties are bound to follow United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF) party in seconding Salva Kiir Mayardit’s sole candidature, not only as Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party flagbearer, but the country’s presidency. However, whether one candidate, without any competitor, the country must conduct elections to justify and transcend[Read More…]

Unveiling of school land sale by Central Equatoria state government depicts the epitome decay of trust on our leaders, hence culprits shouldn’t go Scot free. Thank, Hon. Awut Deng Acuil, the national Minister of General Education and Instruction as well as His Excellency, Augustino Jadallah, Central Equatoria state governor. You[Read More…]

The Church is an assembly of worshipers and in this regard, a congregation of followers of Jest Christ, the Christians; by the shepherded, are to be independent. By donation of SSP 10 million for completion of a Church Project in Luri Payam, His Eminence Stephen Cardinal Ameyu Martin Mulla demonstrates[Read More…]

The Norwegian government has always been with the people of South Sudan and their aspiration for freedom, peace and dignified life. Reaffirming her commitment to fostering lasting peace in the country, we must appreciate Norway’s unfading determination to help South Sudan achieve her long-term goals,  By acknowledging contribution of the[Read More…]

Time is money, and therefore restricting traders’ operational hours jeopardizes their opportunities of making sales. Northern Bahr El Ghazal state should not consider the action of the traders as disregarding orders from authorities but diversification of the economy. The business community doesn’t make a large population that would cause an[Read More…]

Hearing of South Sudan being admitted as a full member of the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) is not a big deal, but what counts most is how this trickles into the basket of the common citizens of the nation. Talking about Lake Victoria, one’s mind jams with the image[Read More…]

Prevailing economic predicament is exacerbated by speculators due to shutdown of the oil pipeline, fixing the situation would redeem the country from treachery. Speculators akin to monetary flow, have capitalized on the oil pipeline shut to further strangle economy, knowing that is the major source of hard currency inflow of[Read More…]

Apart from the heavy weight of East African Community chair, the question of pursuing peace in the neighboring war-torn Sudan, rests on President Salva Kiir Mayardit, yet domestic frictions are numerous. The burden of responsibility increases on the President as Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party top leadership from Equatoria[Read More…]

Parties must take seriously, the task accorded upon them by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, to determine the fate of the forthcoming elections. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Party Chairperson’s stand is a well-calculated check on critical decision-making strand, either float or drawn, of political parties in the country who aspire[Read More…]

On Thursday, police in Lakes State reported that a 16-year-old girl committed suicide after allegedly having a dispute with her mother. The young life, cut short by her own hand, is a devastating loss that reflects deep-rooted issues within the society, especially in Lakes State, that can no longer be[Read More…]

Keeping aside the saying that “Africans believe by seeing”, considering proficient alerts on rainfall patterns helps in mitigating losses of lives and property. South Sudan was forewarned of Saturday-Sunday downpours with flash floods that destroyed houses and other property, but Juba residents paid little attention. According to the meteorological weather[Read More…]

Yes! all eyes, necks are craned to and expectant of the transitional government’s response to issues raised by holdout groups in Nairobi and its outcomes. For Peace, like Love, is illusive. It’s invisible, abodes anywhere but within the seeker. It’s never fought for but sought, pursued and unlike love that[Read More…]

The recent incident in Warrap State, where seven people tragically lost their lives due to suffocation in a container detention facility, is a disturbing event that demands immediate attention. It is a terrible violation of human rights. First and foremost, our heartfelt condolences go out to the families who have[Read More…]

In a move to address the rising issue of unnecessary conflicts in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), Chief Administrator Gola Boyoi Gola issued an administrative order banning age-set fights in the area The order aims to curb the destructive impact of such fights that normally result from age-group fighting.[Read More…]

Changing political affiliation has become more unpredictable like movement of currency from one’s hands; you give out today, comes back to tomorrow and vanishes the very moment. The bad trade in political defections is that these orchestrators will be the first to seek a handshake with the leader of a[Read More…]