Editorial, Gadgets

The Norwegian government has always been with the people of South Sudan and their aspiration for freedom, peace and dignified life. Reaffirming her commitment to fostering lasting peace in the country, we must appreciate Norway’s unfading determination to help South Sudan achieve her long-term goals, 

By acknowledging contribution of the government of Norway towards South Sudan, doesn’t mean, we do not consider other allies, who have continued to support good course of the Country.

As Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Barth Eide emphasized the dedication of his country to collaborating with Kenya in overcoming the obstacles impeding the peace process, we offer our prayers that God stands amidst the delegate, for positive results of the talks.

A good friend always stands by your side when in need and Norway in her historical position, is doing just that, to South Sudan. Her assurance of continued support in resolving challenges obstructing the path to peace is soothing.

There is nothing on earth that South Sudanese citizens yearn for more than peace. Like the tale of a wise family that opted to welcome love to their home; wealth and health will follow once peace leads the way and that’s the anticipation of the citizens.

With Norway and allies by our side, let the government and the holdout groups at the peace table show determination and commit to achieving the most desires of the people of South Sudan.

Success of the talks is a pivot to massage the ongoing economic crises from further swelling and lasting resolve to attracting prosperity, for which we shall live to remember those who support us on the way, Norwegian people are counted in.

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