
In 1983, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLA/M), led by the late Dr. John Garang, emerged as a key player in the conflicts. They advocated for the South to gain independence after witnessing human rights violations, mass displacement, economic hardships, famine, and other harmful atrocities committed in southern Sudan. The[Read More…]

The current state of affairs in South Sudan poses a severe risk and affects all sectors of the working class indiscriminately. Whether it’s employees of organizations, companies, or government institutions, the situation is particularly dire for civil servants who have not received their salaries since last year. This is a[Read More…]

South Sudan is currently facing a severe hunger crisis that threatens lives as the local currency continues to depreciate against the US dollar. This situation highlights the failure to effectively manage the economy of South Sudan. This further raises concerns about the economic competence of the leaders and the ability[Read More…]

The Subconscious mind thinks only in the Present and does not know anything about the past or future.

By John Simon Yokwe Keri   A Chinese philosopher elaborated that, “if you are thinking of today’s life cultivate rice, and if you are thinking of ten years to come, plant trees, but if you are thinking of next generations, educate your children.” That philosopher was actually addressing questions of[Read More…]

Your Excellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit, I am writing to you today on behalf of the suffering citizens of South Sudan. As the head of state, you are beloved by the people, and they have placed their trust in you. However, the current situation in our country is dire, and[Read More…]

In any country, empowering women is not merely a choice but a vital step towards progress and transformation. The impact of empowered women resonates not only within their communities but also throughout the entire world. Women possess the ability to envision and implement significant changes that bring about peace and[Read More…]

South Sudan remains reliant on imported food, exposing its citizens to toxic substances. Last year, on May 15, 2023, 62 trucks were apprehended at the Nimule Border carrying toxic maize flour. This poses significant health risks, including diseases like cancer. The country’s inability to address severe hunger leaves it vulnerable[Read More…]

Nation Talks

Once again, another day dawns on South Sudan with no improvements in the economic sector. The citizens continue to suffer day and night, and it is a situation that cannot be deemed normal. The country is in a state of trauma. Ordinary citizens find it incredibly difficult to afford bread,[Read More…]

South Sudanese find themselves in a state of complete frustration, grappling with economic, political, and mental mayhem. The current situation has left the nation questioning what is going on. These trying times of economic hardship demand answers: Do our leaders genuinely care about their citizens, or are they indifferent to[Read More…]

The current economic situation in South Sudan has reached a critical point, where the lives of the poor are at stake due to the alarming rise in commodity prices and crippling inflation. Distress and anxiety have become the daily reality for South Sudanese citizens, particularly the impoverished, who bear the[Read More…]

The economy is what the lives of people rely on, without a functioning economy people live in a degrading situation. The economy is confined to production, distribution and trade, including consumption of goods and services. According to economic literature, economy is also a collection or combination of factors like education,[Read More…]

The inflation rate has inflicted massive hardship on the citizens of our country. High inflation not only erodes the purchasing power of consumers but also breeds uncertainty, often leading to elevated interest rates and a devaluation of the national currency. Regrettably, South Sudan finds itself caught in this economic marsh.[Read More…]

These days there are no news that talks about peace in some parts of South Sudan. The conflict in Greater Bahr El Ghazal states is worsening every day as if there are no government authorities in the region. It is a bad habit that armed groups keep on attacking themselves[Read More…]

Teachers in South Sudan endure significant hardships due to delayed and insufficient salary payments, which has detrimental effects on the country’s education system. Ensuring timely and adequate compensation for teachers is crucial for the future of education in South Sudan. Teachers must receive their salaries as stipulated by the law,[Read More…]

By Noah Issa Philip (Guest Writer) Dear Vice President for Economic Cluster Dr. Igga, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding the decision to invest in water tankers instead of installing water pipes in Juba, the capital city. Water[Read More…]

The economic cluster last week approved a $9 million proposal to acquire 100 water tankers. The intention behind this decision was to provide citizens with access to water at competitive prices in the market. While this initiative may seem commendable at first glance, it has sparked mixed reactions among the[Read More…]

Pray without ceasing

By Abraham Anyon Ngoor Gorjok   Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1thessalonians 5:17-18. In this kingdom where Jesus Christ redeemed us to enjoy life in its abundance, it is a place of of victory, triumph, peace[Read More…]

The arrest of 25 suspected gangsters around Gumbo bridge in Juba city is a good new to residents of Sherikat, who had disturbing incidences in the hands of this notorious group. These cases have been there almost every day, though people talked about it, there were not actions taken to[Read More…]