
Nation Talks

In every country, corruption of whatever kind has not been legalized. Governments have put in place legal instruments to deter, criminalize and punish those who might be found at the altar of it. Similarly, the government of South Sudan has some legal settings and jurisdiction that fight corruption. But there[Read More…]

Nation Talks

In South Sudan, water is now being sold on the black market like the US dollar, becoming increasingly scarce and unaffordable for many. This situation leaves the poor struggling to access a basic necessity, as the prices set by water tankers are exorbitant. Recently, the City Council of Juba attempted[Read More…]

The current security situation in the country is dire, with rampant ambushes occurring on highways and serious threats to public safety. This crisis demands urgent solutions, as the lives of citizens are at risk and the patience of citizens is wearing thin while they await peace. A pressing question arises:[Read More…]

Girls and young women must prioritize education and resist early marriages to strengthen our communities. Across the globe, educated women are empowered and play crucial roles in society. Unfortunately, in South Sudan, many families still view girls as commodities to be traded for financial gain, often due to a lack[Read More…]

Abortion is a deeply contentious issue, particularly when it involves the life of an innocent child. It is important to recognize that every life has value. If you find yourself facing an unplanned pregnancy, consider giving birth and exploring all available options for support rather than resorting to abortion. Many[Read More…]

It is so sad that civilians were ambushed along the Nimule Highway while travelling to Uganda by bus. This kind of insecurity along the Nimule highway which is one of the economic lifelines is not good since the entire country depends on this road for business purses since other roads[Read More…]

The large population in South Sudan is experiencing widespread hunger, despite support from humanitarian agencies. Today, hunger is a more pressing issue than the gun attacks happening across the country. People are struggling due to high market prices, as they are unable to rely on their farms to alleviate the[Read More…]

Imagine the shock as nine people perish in Aweil East from an unidentified illness. The loss of life is disturbing, especially when the cause remains unknown to doctors. In South Sudan, malaria has historically been a leading cause of death, particularly among children and vulnerable adults. The situation in hospitals[Read More…]

Empowering women in a country is a great change to the community and the society at large just because they are great thinkers. Women think of great things that change communities, they only want to see peace in any situation, and their focus is on development. South Sudan needs more[Read More…]

Government institutions work like a family business where a father is the head and every relative has a position. This runs from the national government to the states, counties, Payams and bomas as well as Municipalities. Though each is supposed to be accountable, but it has never transpired. That’s why[Read More…]

Political parties should not be threatened to boycott their participation in upcoming elections due perceived imbalances. It is not right, and parties shouldn’t be afraid of elections scheduled to take place on 22nd December 2024 at the end of the transitional period of the 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement. Sadly, the[Read More…]

The tensions in Kajo-Keji remain high as the Ugandan People’s Defense Force (UPDF) continues to disturb the citizens living there for years. It is unclear what the Ugandan army exactly wants from the land belonging to the South Sudanese citizens. The Ugandan authorities should stand for the truth and stop[Read More…]

A large portion of the population, including those supported by humanitarian agencies, is struggling to obtain adequate food. The situation is dire, with hunger outpacing even the threats of violence that have traumatized the country. The root of the crisis lies in the skyrocketing prices of commodities in the market.[Read More…]

The alarming rise in random shootings and armed robberies on the streets of Juba has created a climate of fear and insecurity for the city’s residents. The government must act swiftly to address this concerning trend and provide adequate protection for its citizens. Reports of gunmen terrorizing various neighborhoods, particularly[Read More…]

In 1983, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLA/M), led by the late Dr. John Garang, emerged as a key player in the conflicts. They advocated for the South to gain independence after witnessing human rights violations, mass displacement, economic hardships, famine, and other harmful atrocities committed in southern Sudan. The[Read More…]

The current state of affairs in South Sudan poses a severe risk and affects all sectors of the working class indiscriminately. Whether it’s employees of organizations, companies, or government institutions, the situation is particularly dire for civil servants who have not received their salaries since last year. This is a[Read More…]

South Sudan is currently facing a severe hunger crisis that threatens lives as the local currency continues to depreciate against the US dollar. This situation highlights the failure to effectively manage the economy of South Sudan. This further raises concerns about the economic competence of the leaders and the ability[Read More…]