Editorial, Gadgets

The Church is an assembly of worshipers and in this regard, a congregation of followers of Jest Christ, the Christians; by the shepherded, are to be independent.

By donation of SSP 10 million for completion of a Church Project in Luri Payam, His Eminence Stephen Cardinal Ameyu Martin Mulla demonstrates self-reliance in the country.

Leading by example, the contribution of head of the Catholic Church in South Sudan is a call for others to emulate.

Church projects used to be funded by missionaries, at the time Christianity was in infancy but now, there is need for those who embrace the faith to support its growth.

When Jesus demonstrated humility by washing the feet of his disciple, he told them to continue doing so to other, likewise, the cardinal’s contribution sends similar to all leaders in the country.

It’s not only Church projects that need our contributions, likewise schools, health facilities, roads and bridges among others, which are beneficial for the community.

As contribution for development comes in varied way both in cash and kind, nobody can claim not to have anything. Those without cash, can contribute materials while others offer their labour.

The quantity of each individual’s contribution doesn’t matter but the intent and the will to do so, for those without, is a genuine gesture.

Let’s emulate His Eminence Stephen Cardinal Ameyu Martin Mulla, to be leaders at the various levels by landing a hand in development.



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