Editorial, Gadgets

Yes! all eyes, necks are craned to and expectant of the transitional government’s response to issues raised by holdout groups in Nairobi and its outcomes.

For Peace, like Love, is illusive. It’s invisible, abodes anywhere but within the seeker. It’s never fought for but sought, pursued and unlike love that one can win, peace is embraced.

A tamed tongue and wings.

Peace is a resultant of an input of expected outcome. For, to embrace peace and for it to prevail or flourish, one has to embed the expected outcome as a means to achieving it. The language, gestures and interactions during the talks, all create a drive to achieving the expected outcome, which is peace.

However, peace talks remain peace talks, in all aspects of its existence and anything less than that, is pretense. As such, the mediators, like referees, will display the scoreboard for the world to see.

Meanwhile, citizens of South Sudan are eager to witness the determinant of the Nairobi sitting, whether it qualifies for either “Peace talks” or “Peace jocks.”

It’s good faith and an open mind that peace requires, as President Salva Kiir Mayardit highlighted during his opening speech but divergent views may derail the progress.

Peace also prevails on compromises, which is expected of all the parties at the table. Each side should man, trim outrageous accusations and wild expectations to a domestically manageable capacity.

To better your perspective and objective, during the talks in Nairobi, all parties should bear in mind that all citizens and residents of South Sudan are in dire need of peace. The demand for peace surpasses that of the US dollar, tripled.

Nobody should pride in the current economic predicaments in the country, nor blame a single individual for it, but everybody. For it’s a result of long-term cumulative factors with a sole solution in prevalence of peace.

ALL have fallen short of the envisioned glory of the nation, repent and let peace prevail.

One for peace.

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