By Joseph Ring Lang
This Is South Sudan
All Government officials, in all different levels of the Departments, if they don’t give us (the public) services expected from their departments: they are not part of us; WE ARE ALONE.
In likewise, all members of us (the public) who go to their constituencies’ representatives and tell them their personal problems and not our problem of provision of services to us (the public); they are not part of us; WE ARE ALONE.
In the same manner all members from us (the public) who go to social media to belittle one ethnic group against others while knowing that our needs are all the same; they are not part of us; WE ARE ALONE.
Not least also, all members of the business community whether they are locals or foreigners who import goods into our country and sell them at inflated prices to us; they are not part of us; WE ARE ALONE.
In the same level, all international bodies that don’t direct their national strategies to influence our national strategies for better changes, with a calculation that it might bring changes for enhancement of their national interest while knowing, it might eliminate us (the public) also with those they calculate to destroy; they are not part of us; WE ARE ALONE.
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