By Hou Akot Hou
About 3,410 teachers in Aweil East County will participate in evaluation interviews conducted by the Aweil East County’s Education Department on June 15th, 2024.
The assessments aim to gauge the qualifications and competencies of the teaching staff, in order to identify areas for professional development and training.
According to Ngor Piol, the County Director of Education, the interviews are part of the department’s efforts to professionalize the teaching workforce.
“The exam. Is going to tackle issues of those who have joined the teaching specialty and lack the perquisites of teaching profession. Ad that is the aim of conducting the interviews,” he lamented.
He urged all teachers, including those stationed in remote areas, to report for the scheduled interviews.
“Anyone who is far away should report back and attend the interviews before June 15. And we shall not condone reports of other malpractices such absenteeism and complain to us later on,” he cautioned.
The evaluation process comes amid concerns over payroll discrepancies, with some teachers reporting delays in receiving their salaries.
Piol acknowledged that the state authorities are better positioned to address these compensation issues but maintained that the priority for the county-level education department is to ensure the quality of teaching.