OpEd, Politics

When are good things going to happen to citizens?

By Ustaz Mark Bang


We have been seeing ourselves as this nation had been and continues to be. I feel so surprised when the situation is becoming harder and harder yet there are thousands of individuals whose secret motive is to suck innocent blood. Say be calm and things will get better. Never before had all these been better, or else believe it’s going to be better next.

To me, as we are all seeing how we, our children, and other vulnerable individuals live here in our country, this is just about patriotism, humility, and determination. Most of the people are seen silent, but not because they are happy about things that are happening in their own country.

Our war with Sudan that started in 1955, as history tells us, had taken millions of lives and resources. Food was collected from the same people seen dying of hunger, diseases, and conflicts. These things we are seeing happening are due to poor governance, health, and misuse of resources meant to develop and serve our suffering and dying population. Why are these happening now? Many people have now started to close their ears simply because nothing would help them.

However, our will to have hope again for vulnerability has covered much of us; the civil population will one day stop gathering to help leaders. They call themselves, but they are not if they only do what matters to their own lives, living the dying population who they believe to be the ones they are called leaders.

Be careful how you treat people. What you do to others has a funny way of coming back to you. This simple yet profound phrase holds so much truth. The way we treat others can have a significant impact on our own lives, and it’s essential to recognize the power of our actions. When we choose to be kind, compassionate, and understanding towards others, we create a ripple effect of positivity that can come back to us in unexpected ways. On the other hand, negative behavior and mistreatment of others can lead to harmful consequences that can affect us in the long run. It’s crucial to be mindful of how our words and actions might impact those around us and to strive for empathy and kindness in all our interactions.

As one of the greatest poets, Maya Angelou, once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” The way we treat others can leave a lasting impression, and it’s up to us to choose whether that impression will be positive or negative. So, let’s all take a deep breath and remember the significance of treating others with respect, kindness, and compassion. Let’s strive to be the best version of ourselves and create a world where everyone feels valued, appreciated, and loved.

Now, how can I assist you today? Do you have any questions, topics you’d like to discuss, or perhaps a task you need help with? I’m here to listen and provide guidance to the best of my abilities!

We’re said to be foolish people on earth because we don’t even see what has to be done; we close our eyes and ears when it comes to solving our problems. Love is nothing without action, trust is nothing without proof, and sorry is nothing without change. These three phrases succinctly capture the essence of meaningful relationships and personal growth. Love requires more than just feelings; it demands effort and dedication to nurture and sustain it. Trust must be earned and reinforced through consistent actions and reliability. And apologies are hollow without tangible changes to prevent similar hurts or mistakes from happening again. May these reminders guide us in cultivating stronger connections and becoming better versions of ourselves? “Public Staunchest Ally”

The writer of this article is a human rights activist, writer, and professional teacher.




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