National, News

Peace Monitor presents quarterly report to parliament

By Philip Buda Ladu


Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC), on Tuesday, presented quarterly report on the status of the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement to the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA).

In his 14-page report, the interim chairperson, Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Charles Tai Gituai highlighted some progress made in the implementation of the R-ARCSS.

He also pointed out pending tasks that are crucial to be completed to create a conducive environment for the scheduled elections in December.

Gituai noted challenges in fast-tracking the implementation of the agreement, including limited resources and incomplete redeployment of the unified forces.

He emphasized that while some progress has been made in establishing the key institutions responsible for the constitution-making and election processes, a lot remains to be done to fully equip them to carry out their mandates.

“At the same time, the level of resources made available to these institutions falls well short of their proposed budgets, further hindering their ability to complete the required tasks in line with the R-ARCSS,” he noted.

Gituai emphasized that due consideration must continue to be given to providing the requisite resources and strengthening the security situation in the country.

“In that regard, progress in the unification of forces remains imperative in helping lay the path to peaceful elections,” he continued. “The long-suffering people of South Sudan eagerly look to the parties and the RTGoNU for help in successfully steering the country on the road to sustained peace.

Oliver Mori Benjamin, the spokesperson of the national parliament, informed journalists during a press briefing that, according to the revitalized agreement, RJEMC is required to present quarterly reports to the parliament.

“He (Gen. Gituai) dwells on some progress made in the implementation of the agreement and some challenges that are there in the agreement with regard to the unification of forces and the adaptation of certain articles that are necessary for the conduct of free and fair elections.” Mori lamented.

As per the conduct of business regulations of the TNLA 2011 (amended 2021), Deputy Speaker Nathaniel Oyet referred the report to two specialized committees.

The committees for Peace and Reconciliation and Legislation and Justice were tasked with studying the report and coming up with appropriate recommendations for the parliament to debate.

The Parliament spokesperson added that the committees were given two weeks to study the report and present it back to the House for further scrutiny.

R-JMEC is the body tasked with monitoring and reporting on the progress of the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), signed in September 2018.

Pursuant to its mandate as provided for in Chapter 7 of the R-ARCSS, the R-JMEC continues to monitor, evaluate, and report on the status of the R-ARCSS implementation. It is also empowered to intervene and help break any deadlocks that may arise during the implementation process.

The RJMEC chair regularly provides reports and briefings to the cabinet, parliament, the Chairperson of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the Chairperson of the IGAD Council of Ministers, the Chairperson of the AU Commission, and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union.

The reports are also delivered to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the UN Security Council.


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