National, News, Warrap

Malaria cases surge in Tonj East County

By Hou Akot Hou


Health authorities in Tonj East County, Warrap State, are appealing for urgent medical assistance as malaria cases surge, resulting in several fatalities.

County Health Director Mr. Francis Maluk reported that approximately five people have died due to malaria-related complications.

Maluk highlighted that the worsening health crisis is largely attributable to communal violence in the area, creating anxiety among humanitarian partners, and hindering their ability to operate effectively.

“The situation with malaria is rampant, and many people are suffering. The recent deaths underscore the severity of this outbreak,” Maluk stated.

He called on partners to intervene by supplying essential medical supplies to help reduce mortality rates, particularly among vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.

The recent escalation of violence among cattle keepers in Tonj East has further complicated the health situation. This communal conflict, often fueled by revenge killings and cattle rustling, has led to numerous casualties.

Maluk noted that the unrest has disrupted support from international organizations, exacerbating the public health crisis.

He criticized politicians for allegedly fueling the violence by providing arms, which has allowed the conflicts to persist.


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