National, News

Youth Union urges support for flood-affected communities

Kei Emmanuel Duku


A member of the National Youth Council is calling on humanitarian organizations to provide urgent assistance to communities affected by widespread flooding in South Sudan.

Owar Mark, a local youth leader, highlighted the critical needs of flood-affected populations, including medical services, food, shelter, and other essential supplies.

He expressed deep concern for the vulnerability of children, elderly people, and other marginalized groups who are sleeping in open areas without mosquito nets and access to clean drinking water.

“These people are displaced and lack necessities like food, shelter, and clean drinking water,” Mark said. “The stagnant water creates breeding grounds for mosquitoes and snakes, increasing the risk of malaria and snakebites,” he added.

Mark identified Kapoeta East, North, and Lafon Counties in Eastern Equatorial State, as well as Koch, Leer, and Mayiandit Counties in Unity State, as among the areas severely impacted by the floods. The flooding has disrupted livelihoods and exacerbated the spread of diseases.

He attributed the surge in snakebites to the current flooding and the limited availability of health facilities, many of which have been destroyed.

Mark emphasized the importance of community-led solutions to address the challenges posed by the floods.

He urged for the construction of dykes and the provision of essential supplies by humanitarian organizations to support affected communities.

According to the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Assistance, 91% of people in Jonglei, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap, and Unity States have been affected by the floods. Over 20 health facilities have been destroyed as a result.




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