National, News

Examination Council releases timetable for S.4 exams

By Akol Madut Ngong

The National Examination Council has released the timetable for the Certificate of Secondary Examinations (CSE).

The exams will begin on 18th April 2022 and end by Wednesday 27th April 2022.

The National Minister of General Education and Instructions, Awut Deng Achuil said on Friday that a total of 32,167 candidates (21,799 males and 10,368 females) have registered for the examinations.

The Minister said all the processes of the academic year 2021 Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) have been fixed.

“In spite of security challenges in some parts of the country, negative impact of COVID-19 that resulted in long school closures and floods in most parts of the country, it is worth noting that the Ministry of General Education and Instructions has been able to keep in schools this huge number of candidates which has been now dully registered for the year 2021 Certificate of Secondary Education,” she added.

She urged all supervisors, invigilators, monitors, security and police that the assessment of students and integrity of examination processes are of great significant to the South Sudanese National Examination Council.

“All persons who will be involved in management of examination must read and understand his/her roles as set forth in the guidebook,” she added.

Asked about the leakages, Awut said, “we are not printing the examinations in the country”.