By Akol Madut Ngong
The Transitional government of Central Equatoria State is set to unify and redeploy its workforces from the defunct three States of Jubek, Yei River and Terekeka States respectively.
The new development on the unification of the State civil servants’ workforce came as the State Ministry of Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development tabled the document to the State Parliament for discussion on the same.
Central Equatoria State’s Reconstituted Transitional Legislative Assembly in their ordinary sitting No.21/2022 on Monday, 13th June 2022 had resolved to consider the document for the unification and redeployment of civil servants plus the status of the new State’s salary structures.
The State’s Minister of Labour and Public Service presented the document to the Assembly on Monday.
The State’s Parliament referred the document to the Specialized Committee.
In his presentation, Minister Wani Jackson said it is the responsibility of the concerned ministries to regulate the Public Service Act, rules and regulations in all public and private institutions.
The Central Equatoria State Assembly has given a period of one month for further scrutiny of the document.
According to the the minister of public service, ministers are to control the approved budget of chapter one and require the rule and development to ensure services delivery to the people.
“The unification of workforce of defunct State of Yei River, Jubek and Terekaka; in defunct Jubek State; 4398 workforce, counties 3569 total of 7958; defunct Terekaka is 612, and counties 971 bringing the total to 1803; while defunct Yei River State workforce is 2082 and counties is 3970 workforce and total is 6052. Therefore, the total workforce of three defunct state is 7092, workforce of the defunct counties 80500, the workforce of the three defunct states is 15, 792,” he stated.
“The implementation of new salaries structure; we calculated last year 2021 all employees are due to July salaries arrears, all employees excluded the ministry of General Education and educational sector at Juba City council are due for salaries arrears,” he added.
Minister Wani said that the unification and redeployment of employees is a tough work which needs all stakeholders to expedite the previous structures of the ten states of the republic of South Sudan.