By Keji Jenifer Silver
Deputy Director for Juba Orphanage Abdu Wajo, has encouraged the public to have more visits and donations to the orphanage helps in planting the spirit of love among children.
“These kind of visit is beneficial to these young kids because these will plant a spirit of love and a spirit of knowing each other in the minds of the children” Abdu said.
Abdu was speaking during a visit by The Red Sea Foundation in Juba were they donated food and non-food items to Juba orphanage center on 18th February 2020.
Meanwhile Gasim Philip Lako, a member of the visiting team said their visit was to encourage people to pay attention to young orphans.
“If we come to visit them regularly, these will raise the moral of these children and it will also encourage the people who are taking care of these orphans so that they will do their work well” Mr. Gasim said.
Gasim urged people of good will to support the orphans emphasizing now is the right time (alluding to the ongoing peace process), for people whether NGOs, government, companies and even individuals to support orphans in the country.