By Keji Janefer Silver
The Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAM-VM) in its 16th extraordinary meeting on Friday, said cantonment sites are almost collapsing due to lack of logistical support, according observation.
Major general Teshome Gemechu Aderie, chairperson of CTSAMVM, said they had observed that the system in the cantonment site is almost collapsing due to lack of logistical support to the sites. There have been reports of forces deserting the sites owing to poor living conditions attributed to lack of food, medicine, and shelters. As a result, some soldiers lost their lives at the sites.
“Regrettably there has been little improvement in terms of logistic support to the cantonment sites, and on the other hand CTSAM again has observed that the system remains closed to collapse,” Teshome stressed.
Gemechu said commanders in the cantonment sites continue to report insufficient medical equipment and training personnel. He said there are still a lot of things which need to be improved, although training centers are relatively better in terms of food supplies. Gemechu added that the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) screening process, which has been taking place in the centers, is limited as the DDR teams are not yet deployed in the centers.
Additionally, the chairperson said the delay in the implementation of the chapters in the agreement is making it hard for CTSAM to carry out its task, adding to the movement restrictions due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The body, however, said that most of the violations in Yei County of Central Equatoria State, are committed by South Sudan People’s Defense forces (SSPDF).
“Concerning violations against civilians in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State, there are a third evolving violations against civilians in Yei area, since March 2019, and all have been serious violations and all have been committed by SSPDF forces,” the body observed.
It has however, called on SSPDF to take steps by establishing a committee comprising SSPDF judges to address violations in Yei River County. The body also said although there have been no clashes between the parties’ signatory to 2018, there are ongoing clashes between National Salvation Front, SSPDF and SPLM-IO in Central Equatoria region.
The body, like other stake holders, has also condemned the increasing violence in Western Equatoria and the inter-communal conflict in Jonglei state.
The meeting focused on the start of permanent cease fire, the outstanding pre-transitional tasks, violation reports and incidents which are happening currently.