
Aweil hospitals face massive drugs shortage

A file photo of essential drugs

By Ngor Deng Matem

Drugs shortage has hit Aweil town as the government’s owned hospitals run short of medicines.

The shortage has hindered provision of better treatment to patients in the town.

A mother of four children, Achala Uchu said that in Aroyo government hospital, patients are only diagnosed and told to go to private clinics to buy the drugs.

“Even malarial drugs are insufficient at the hospital. My last born was hit with severe fever and when I took her to the hospital, I was told to go to the business clinic in the market because no drugs were available at the facility. I did not have money to buy but thank God that those working there injected my child with pneumonia and malarial injection and she got relieved for free,” Achala explained.

Another mother called Rose Madut narrated that the most affected ones are pregnant women and children below five years.

“No good care at the public hospitals because people working there could be seen very busy but at the end, a patient is given prescription book and told that we do not have these drugs. We end up doing nothing unless you have money to go to private clinic”.

In the same note, the county commissioner for Aweil Center Peter Natali admitted shortage of drugs in the hospitals.

Peter disclosed that he forwarded the matter to the state governor Tong Aken during the briefing at state headquarters.

“The biggest challenges we have in Aweil center are insufficient drugs and insufficient clean drinking water,” Peter revealed.

In response, NBGS Governor promised to address some of the issues facing the people of Aweil Center County. Governor did not specify how the challenges would be addressed.

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