
Governor Manytuil addresses State Assembly on worsening security

The Governor of Unity State Lt. Gen Dr. Joseph Manytuil Wejang/Courtesy Photo

By Yien Gattuor Mead

The Governor of Unity State Governor Lt. Gen Dr Joseph Manytuil Wejang on Tuesday briefed the members of the state August house on the general security situation in Unity state.

The briefing to the August house comes after the Council of States summoned the governor of Warrap, Lakes, Jonglei, Western Equatoria plus three administrators of Ruweng, Pibor, and Abyei Administrative areas respectively to present written report on the general security situation in their states.

Addressing the members of the August house on the general security situation in Unity state, Governor Dr. Manytuil said the recent fighting between youth of Nyiel Payam of Ruweng Administrative area and that of Guit County is under control after authorities of the two states intervened.

Governor Manytuil assured the commitment of his government to work hand in hand with the authorities of Ruweng Administrative area to normalize the situation and bring the culprits to book.

In addition, Governor Manytuil emphasized on the issues of SPLM-IO splinter groups that subsequently caused insecurity in Koch, Leer and Mayiandit County.

He further told the August house that the situation in these three counties is calm and normal, and urged the MPs representing Leer, Koch and Mayiandit counties to assess the situation on the grounds to find out the root causes of the conflict between the sisterly counties.

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