
Vehicles burnt, properties looted in Yei River County

By Taban Henry

Local authorities in Yei River County said two vehicles belonging to a humanitarian agency commonly known as MSF has been burnt and properties looted in Minyoro Boma on Monday.

Speaking via a telephone interview to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, he confirmed that two vehicles belonging to Medical Sans Frontiers (MSF) were burnt and properties looted.

He said the humanitarian agency was on their mission to provide health services to the civilians in Minyoro Boma adding that they were moving together with the mobile clinic. 

“The MSF vehicles felt into an ambush of the National Salvation Front that left two vehicles burnt, Motorola’s and their properties looted,” Cyrus said.

He said seven people including medical doctors were freed after they lost their belongings adding that the attackers also abducted 30 people who were coming to Yei town bringing their belongings for sale to the market as well as health care.

“All along we have been trying our level best to ensure that total peace comes to Yei but all this NAS forces do not have any base in Yei but they are moving here and they are causing havoc to the people throughout last month and we are hopeful that they will be brought to book,” he added.

He mentioned that the NAS forces are targeting civilians and the Humanitarian Agencies saying organizations like MSF are doctors without borders which are not supposed to be tampered with because they are providing health services to the people.

“You can’t imagine this kind of evil where humanitarians are tortured, traumatized and causing fear to this kind of people,” he mentioned.

Cyrus hinted that the rebellion perpetrated by the NAS forces have got no objectives adding that the rebellion is behaving like terror group that wants to cause fear into the minds of the people leaving people to die this is unfortunate situation which I condemn, that should have not been the case happening here in Yei.

“We are calling for the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces to do their best to make sure that civilians are protected,” he said.

The Commissioner of Yei River County fears the services rendered by the humanitarian agencies may not reach the grassroots; there is also a potential security threat for the security organs to conduct their activities.    

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