
Commodity prices surge in Bor

By Chol Makol Riak

The residents at Jonglei state capital Bor have raised concerns over the increment of market prices in the town.

Diing Thiong Gar, a resident of Bor said market prices have shot up adding that some commodities are not even in the market.

She said that the way prices are increasing have affected the population, she urged the wholesalers to reduce the prices of the goods in the market.

“I bought 50kgs of sugar, 50kgs of rice and 5 litres of cooking oil, previously I do buy the 5 litres of cooking oil at 5000 SSP and currently I bought it at 7,000 SSP, likewise to other items I bought others raised with either 1000 or 2000 SSP just recently,” Diing said.

She urged the state government to look into the matter and help residents by regulating the market in order to rescue the people of Jonglei state.

“It has affected the retailers of which they will sell their things at high prices which will affect the innocent population in the state,” she added.

Meanwhile Ayuen Kur Ajok, the acting secretary general of chamber of commerce in Jonglei state said the number of the trucks carrying goods indicates that there is increment of commodities in the market.

He added that the cause of the upsurge in market prices is the war that is currently going on in other counties.

“By that time there were many trucks coming to Jonglei state, and as per now there are two items that are no longer in the market, we don’t have 20 litres of cooking oil and soap is not in the market now,” Ayuen said.

He said the production in Uganda has reduced adding that South Sudan mainly imports goods from Kenya and Uganda.

“Some factories are said to have been shutdown in Uganda and that has affected the people of South Sudan because most of our things come either from Uganda or Kenya,” he added.

He encouraged the people of Jonglei state to hope for the best and continue with the little they have in the market.

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