
Sakure community demands services

Community of Sakure during the launching of Yubu Bridge construction/Courtesy photo

By Digi

The Community of Sakure Payam of Nzara County is calling on the Government to deliver for them basic services which include Education, Health, Bridges and Clean Water.

On Thursday this week, the Governor of Western Equatoria State paid a visit to Sakure Payam to launch the construction of Yubu Bridge.

Speaking during the event, Youth and Chiefs Representatives outlined what they lack in the area.

Adam Apai, Youth Representative in Sakure said they lack schools, health facilities and clean water; he called on the government to provide them.

“They use to say, they have given us borehole, but we haven’t seen it for many years now, we are sure that since the governor has come to listen to our challenges, we shall have our clean water, we don’t have health facility and people are dying,” said Adam.

Mbikoyezu Luis Tartizio, representative of chiefs said there are unknown people from the town arresting citizens with no warrant.

“We don’t need conflict, we need peace, what is needed is to have checkpoint which will protect us from criminals who are coming from Yambio disturbing us here, that is what we’re requesting from you, because there are people coming with the name of government and arrest people when asked they will be threatening us” said Mbikoyez.

Meanwhile Governor of Western Equatoria State Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba promised to provide security including community policing.

“After completion of the bridge we shall bring police, and also recruit Community Policing so that they can protect you, and they should not mistreat people by beating” he said.

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