
Magwi commissioner urges herders to move peacefully

By Adia Jildo

The commissioner of Magwi county David Otoo Ransom has called on cattle herders to evacuate peacefully as they return to their places of origin.

It is now three days since cattle herders started evacuating from Magwi County to their places of origin.

Otoo said there is improvement in the security situation due to the evacuation of the herders.

 “We want them (cattle herders) to move peacefully as my county population (people) are peaceful,” he said.

He said there are confirmations by local populations stating that herders have moved through their traces.

“I want them to go and to go forever and not to come back to disorganize my county. We did not have a boarder with these and peacefully we want them to go back to their places,” he said.

The Executive Director of Magwi County David Ocheng said the security is improving though there is no sign of people returning.

“There are series of villages along Magwi -Juba road where the cattle herders are still there and are still closure to Magwi County,” he cited.

He said a huge number of people have taken refuge abandoning villages to a few number of youth.

“The people are much traumatized because what happened in Magwi is very unusual. People had been killed, burnt, retaliation to a wrong group because they did not raid any cattle,” he said.

He added that forces in cantonment sites have left the state with no option but to deploy a few number of soldiers to keep security within.

“All the groups are to advocate for peace so that we move the country forward. There must be peace, people who are in their own territory should not be disrupted especially cattle keepers should be in their state of origin because mixing with farmers is always a state of conflict,” he said.

He called on all the communities to embrace peace for a peaceful co-existence.

An attempt to reach the head of cattle herders was futile by press time.

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