
Yambio Mayor bans free movement of Livestock

Yambio Town Mayor His Worship John Singira in his Office/Courtesy photo

By Digi

The Mayor of Yambio municipality on Thursday this week issued an order banning the movement of Livestock in the area of Yambio town during cultivation periods.

Speaking to journalists in Yambio town, Mayor John Singira said the order is to save farmers.

“This order goes to all livestock owners to make sure they tether their livestock to avoid destruction of farmers’ crops, because this is a cultivation season, and anyone who will not adhere to this order will be arrested and taken to court,” Singira warned.

The Mayor didn’t mention what penalty or fine will be charged if the order is violated, he said it will depend on law or court to determine the charge.

Joyce David is one of the farmers in Yambio town who appreciated the move taken by the Mayor, saying that’s what they have been waiting for because at this moment they were supposed to start harvesting of some crops.

“I am really very happy to hear about this regulation, this is what we need because I am supposed to start eating my Okra now but due to the destruction made by goats and pigs in my farms, crops couldn’t germinate, so I am crying to my leaders; Commissioner, Mayor and Chiefs to implement this order so that we may see our crops growing,” said Joyce.

Meanwhile Sandelina Michael another farmer living in Yambio said that, famers are facing a lot of challenges in the hands of livestock’s during cultivation seasons, some livestock’s owners were warned but they don’t listen and if anything happens to their animals in someone’s farm, they should not complain.

“What livestock’s owners do tell us is, if anything happens to their animals we will have to pay for it but when their animals destroy our farms they can’t pay for us, so if this order is going to be implemented I think it will help us,” she said

Tobi Adams, one of the Livestock’s owners in Yambio said he is going to respect the order, and he urged his fellows to adhere to the directives from the Mayor.

“For me I am going to follow the regulations issued by the Mayor, I will make sure my animals do not eat someone’s crops, and I am calling upon the owners of the Livestock’s to follow the orders to avoid conflict between livestock owners and farmers, and incase animals are found eating someone’s products it should be taken to chiefs of the area or police station for conversation than taking the law in to their hands by killing the animal,” the main livestock reared in Yambio County are; goats, sheep and pigs which is not difficult to control Tobi stressed.

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