News, Politics

Women in Yambio trained on Governance

Photo of Minister of Gender, Town Mayor and Head of UNMISS in Yambio during the two days training

By Digi

More than 50 women in Yambio County of Western Equatoria State attended training on Enhancing Gender Responsive Governance that kicked off on Friday last week

The two days training which started on Thursday and ended on Friday last week was organized by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Gender unit under the theme “Empowering women leaders and women for peace”.

Speaking during the closure of the training, the UNMISS head of field Office in Western Equatoria State (WES) Christopher Murenge Muchiri said women representation in the R-TGoNU is paramount to give women equal voice.

Diako Pauline, one of the newly appointed State Members of Parliament who attended the training told reporters that “I appreciate the UNMISS for their great work in Enhancing gender responsive governance in the country, I have learned a lot of things which will guide me in my leadership”.

“I am very thankful for having been invited to attend this workshop of empowering women leaders, I have benefited a lot, I have learned from Women leaders and the politicians as they were sharing their experiences and some of them became ministers without any background, however they were able to talk to the mentors, they gave them ideas that they put in practice that help them succeed as newly appointed Member of Parliament, I have learned through that with their quick mentors I will be able to perform well in the leadership,” Diako said.

Diako urged fellow women to lead by example and she called for more training so that women can achieve their 35% affirmative action.

“I have also learned that a good leader should have good behaviour and we should practice a charismatic style of leadership and we should lead by example, there are so many things which need to be done and we expect more trainings, as women we should not identify ourselves by the party, we should identify ourselves as women and we stand as women so that will help us achieve 35% Affirmative action,” she further expressed.

Meanwhile Hanan Hadia, who came from Community Based Organisation, said the knowledge she attained will help in improving the organization.

“I have learned a lot, the type of leaders in which I have selected a charismatic leader to work with, with my people as a leader in Self Women Development Organization (SWDO) and I learned how to be a good leader, how to lead people, how to live with the people and how to make a change as a woman in South Sudan and how a woman can be a peace maker among the men how a woman can be competitive with a man, and I have learned that any work, man does, a woman can do,” Hadia said.

The participants were brought from Members of Parliament who represent the ten counties of Western Equatoria State.

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