By Ngor Deng Matem
People in Aweil West County of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state have complained about the frequent change of the county commissioner which they said has hindered the provision of basic services to the locals.
According to them, the county has seen three commissioners since the formation of state government under the Revitalized Peace Agreement, Mr. Autiak Akot Tong from Nyamlel headquarters of Aweil West County complained.
“What do you expect if the commissioner is appointed and removed in less than six months in the office? What program plans and implementation of delivery of basic services you expect can be done in this short time? Now there is no progress being made in providing clean drinking water through installation of hand pumps, renovation of feeder roads and others,” Tong said.
Another citizen in Gomjuer section of Aweil West Mr. Wol Duang Dhieu said that, continues reshuffling in one county will promote corruption “if commissioner is appointed today and relieved tomorrow, then that practice can promote self-enrichment than working for the people because the leaders appointed are not trusted and given time to plan and implement their projects for the benefit of the citizens in time”.
The complainers were speaking on Monday this week during the swearing in of the newly appointed commissioner of Aweil West County Honorable Majok Piol Mayen Wol.
After the newly appointed cabinet members, Chairperson for the state Relief and Rehabilitation Commission and county commissioner were sworn in, Governor Tong Akeen of NBGs urged the county commissioner to work for the interest of people and not for the party. Aweil West County is being governed by the SPLM-IO according to the Northern Bahr el Ghazal state power sharing agreement. This means that any commissioner to serve in the area must be a member of SPLM-IO.