
Nations Talks

The pulling of rope has come to an end

By Kiden Stela Mandela

The tension between government and opposition has come to an end on the issue of the unification of command which shows commitment to the 2018 Peace Agreement. The long awaited Republican Decree just happened on the command structure for the unified South Sudan National Army and last week the government and the oppositions signed the ratios of the unified command structure which has been one of the contentious issues holding back the graduation of the Necessary Unified Forces to expedite the process of the graduation of the long awaited Peace Soldiers. Now the country is regaining hope for peace in the country.

The way forward is now for the unified command to work together as they prepare for the graduation of the forces as one National Army so that the issue of insecurity should now be addressed to end unnecessary violence in the country together with the issue of unknown gunmen because the security is going to be more strong, the issue of insecurity is still very hard, like yesterday morning the attack in Abyei left 15 people dead and several others wounded. If the graduation of the unified forces happens as soon as possible, it will be a good thing that the army will stand to relieve the suffering of South Sudanese in Abyei from the so called Sudanese army and the opposition should think about its people in this difficult moment. It is good to always work together for peace. Now people are suffering from hunger, economic crisis which is disturbing but if there will be peace and stable security people will just join Agriculture to reduce the issue of hunger.

I appeal to the principal parties to the peace agreement to stand together to provide security and to protect the lives of people in Abyei area and the entire South Sudan from all sorts of violence in a way that even if taking Sudanese Army to court for their actions of killing in Abyei Region or else solving through peace talks because it is bad seeing blood shed every day in this country.

I appreciate the government of South Sudan for its wise decision for taking and issuing Number of Republican Decrees on the 60-40 percent positions to the signed Agreement which now will make everything simple and pave the way for the graduation of necessary unified forces.

All the doubting Thomases have now seen the truth. Now you need to hurry in the process before the elapse of the period of the transitional government of the national unity ends.

God Bless South Sudan

Be right there!

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