
Citizens urged to reduce speed during festival in Yambio

Director of Administration, Finance and Registration of Traffic in Yambio WES/Courtesy photo

By Digi Alex

The traffic police in Yambio County of Western Equatoria State on Thursday this week ordered people not to over speed in town during Easter celebration to avoid accidents.

Speaking to Reporters yesterday in Yambio Town, the Traffic Director of Administration, Finance and Registration Col. Santo said anyone who will be seen over speeding will face the law and also not allowed to drink and drive.

 “From today I indicate to anyone riding in town at 20 KMH and from there don’t increase, because if I see you going beyond 20 to 30, I will arrest you, and after Easter you will be fined 50,000 SSP.

The second thing is that if I find you carrying three people on motorbike, which is overload, I will arrest you and after Easter you are also fined 50,000 SSP,” Santo said.

“Coming to issue of Car, if because of excitement you are drinking and driving, I will arrest you after Easter you pay 100,000 SSP, if you also over speed causing dust to people on the road, I will arrest you and you pay 100,000 SSP after Easter because people who are using the same road are human beings like you,” he. Continued.

The Director of traffic officers has been deployed to control the movement of people during the celebration he added.

“I have deployed people in the church of Naagori in Massiah, ST. Mary, Richen Church, Church of Dinka, Muru Church, ST. Bakhita and Timbiro which means I am ready now, tomorrow my citizens will be safe” Santo said

“I would like to tell everyone to come for their Number Plate, which is what I need to encourage my people with, because now I have all the items, plate number, Lances and logbook,” he addressed.

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