
Nation Talks

Students should stop malpractices in exams

By Kiden Stela Mandela 

It is not good to cheat in examinations! Since you started your examinations yesterday work hard for your future and the one of this country. Know that it is only your performance that determines your next step in life. One thing you should keep in mind is to read the question with understanding before answering, don’t panic or having examinations fever is very dangerous and know that the Senior Four Certificate is the beginning of your career.

It is good that the government students sitting for the Senior Four South Sudan Certificate examinations not to do malpractice to fight how to perform and have better results. This was revealed through the launching when the bell was first rung. But in the case of South Sudan, malpractice is a serious case that if it is not taken care of, it will be very difficult in the country because even our leaders and elders shamelessly buy results for their children who failed their exams to win scholarships outside the country and yet they still fail while on the scholarship because they only went there because they are children of big people in the country. There was a scenario where 5 students who were relatives in one of the States, won scholarships and were I later identified by their names to be belonging to one community but nothing was done about it.

These malpractice comes about due to uncovered syllabi because of failures of teachers to cover the whole topics to their students and also leakages of examination questions to specific students or schools has caused all the weakness of the examination and largely the education sector in the country. This is so because these teachers are claiming for their unpaid salaries countrywide.

The ministry of education only cares about themselves leaving the teachers to suffer with hunger without knowing how their families are expected to live. For example, the director of education in Western Equatoria State Examination Director was accused of depositing 130,200 SSP into his private account instead of paying teachers. This country still needs a lot to settle education better and this shall happen only if our leaders put their hearts together for the peace implementation and bring people with focus on making the education system better instead of their corrupted politicians. 

I appeal to the students to do best in their final senior four exams and continue with further studies since they are the future leaders of South Sudan. All our eyes are on you and you have support from the whole country. The future of our nation is in great education and through this, our country will prosper and we shall develop on that line.

And to you the students, I want to wish you the best of luck and I believe that you’re going to pass with flying colours.

 I appreciate the national minister of education and all the team in the education sector for the work done to make these examinations possible and for them to make sure that great education is the only way to success in the world.

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