By Yang Ater Yang
The education authorities in Lakes State are saying 1,972 secondary school candidates are siting for their South Sudan Secondary examinations, saying there are 491 females sitting this year’s exams.
The Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Mathiang Deng made the remarks as he rang the bell for the beginning of South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education exams on Wednesday.
The minister who spoke on behalf of the governor encouraged students to have confidence in the exams period. He warned the students against cheating the exams, advised them to use the knowledge gained in the last four years of their secondary level.
He however regrets the lower number of students doing their exams this year and calls upon the Minister of Education and teachers to engage more students in the next year to increase their number.
“The number of current candidates who are siting for the exams this year is lower than the number of candidates that sat the pervious years in the state,” Mathiang stressed.
He said that the state and national ministry of Education are very committed to control and stop leakage of the exams to students. “I believe that the cheating of exams is not going to happen as again the ministry of education is committed to ensure that it does not happen,” Mathiang said.
However, Minister of General education, Nelson Makoi Makuei also added his voice encouraging students to be attentive and work hard, adding that secondary exams are similar to other examinations. “I urge you students to calm and do your work, be brave. There is nothing difficult in the national exams” Makoi said.
He appreciated the government of Lakes State for bringing peace and harmony to the citizens.