By Philip Buda Ladu
Officials from the Ceasefire Transitional Security Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) are saying armed clashes between parties to the signatories of Revitalized Peace Agreement in Unity and Upper Nile States undermine the permanent ceasefire the parties endorsed.
The Chairperson of CTSAMVM Lieutenant General, Asrat Denero Amad said since January, 2022 the parties have been significantly undermining the ceasefire.
Lt. Gen. Amad made the statement in his opening remarks at the Ceasefire Transitional Security Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) Technical Committee meeting yesterday (Monday).
“There is tension in Unity State since Mirmir Cantonment Site was overrun on 11 February by Kit-Gwang elements & armed youth reportedly instigated by the Koch County Commissioner. Consequently, armed clashes spread to Mayendit and Leer counties and there were reports of continuous attacks from 4th to 8th April by the Koch and Mayendit County Commissioners on SPLM/A-IO forces and Leer population in Leer County,” Lt. Gen. Denero said.
The CTSAMVM Chairperson said that the situation in the counties of, Maban, Maiwut, and Longechuk in Upper Nile State has remained tense following the fighting in those areas since February 2022.
In related news, CTSAMVM’s Boss said they have been receiving reports of incidents and clashes allegedly involving NAS forces in Central and Western Equatoria States.
Lt. Gen. Denero reminded the parties that, all information reported at the CTC meetings is prepared with the full involvement of the CTSAMVM National Monitors at all levels and their reports are all discussed at the JMCO.
“Since the last CTC meeting, CTSAMVM has received reports of at least 8 alleged incidents, including the ambush and destruction of two MSF vehicles near Yei on 28 February 2022,” he said.
He urged the CTC members to provide valuable opinions and recommendations when CTSAMVM Technical Committee sits to discuss the reported violations of the permanent ceasefire.
“I would ask you all to focus on the information and reports that will be presented today (Monday) so that we can come up with realistic actions which will help protect the ceasefire and help move the peace process forward,” the Lt. Gen. said.
CTSAMVM Chairperson said that they will continue to monitor the agreement on the unification of forces, high command structures which called for the JDB to complete the arrangements for the graduation and deployment of forces within two months of the agreement.
A senior member of the SPLM/A-IO in CTSAMVM, Maj. Gen. Martin Gama Abucha said they were briefly stopped participation in the CSTAMVM meeting because of deteriorating security situation in the Country. But he quickly noted that the situation hasn’t improved though the unified command structures.
“Unfortunately, as Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero alluded to the situation has not improved; I don’t know what is obstructing the process. There got to be investigation from March 21st until today there are many incidences that have happened” Gen. Abucha stressed.
He said the resources that they have, should be used to investigate the issues of ceasefire violations rather than being utilized for other non-significant issues. He urged CTSAMVM to timely carry out the investigations.
Meanwhile, a senior TGoNU representative to the CTSAMVM, Maj. Gen. Rabi Mujung, said they as representatives of the parties’ signatories to the revitalized agreement will cooperate and work with Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero’s leadership to ensure that the mandate of CTSAMVM is fulfilled. “We as a party and as members to CTSAMVM Technical Committee will also be ready to discuss constructively to reach to a logical conclusion at the end of the day,” Gen. Mujung said.