By Chol Makol Riak
A local youth led organization called Plant A Tree Organization (PATO) is focusing on reforestation to reduce challenges created by the climate change. The organization has currently trained at least 10 area chiefs in Bor, Jonglei State.
The training aimed at sensitizing the communities in Jonglei state through area chiefs about the importance of planting trees and impacts of deforestation to the environment and climate change.
The Executive Director of PATO, Achol Anyang said that the organization has trained the 10 area chiefs on the benefits of trees in the country and their contribution to eco system.
“We have trained 10 block leaders on the importance and the issues to do with deforestation, and we all know that most of our people in the country are cutting down the trees and they don’t replace by planting more and this is endangering our life and the ecological system and our animals in the country,” Achol said.
She urged the community to consider replanting of trees because it is the sole responsibility of every citizen to make the country green adding that trees provide a lot to our environment.
“Trees play a significant role in cleaning the environment. During photosynthesis, trees take away the unwanted carbon dioxide. In return, they supply the oxygen that is needed for breathing. Trees also help in attracting rains, that’s why you see rains in forested areas,” she added.
She said that the organization is targeting to plant more than 10,000 trees across South Sudan to curb the climate crisis change in the country.
Achol calls on donors to help the organization meet its dream of planting more than 10,000 trees in Jonglei state and the country as a whole.
For his part, Khor Jo, an area chief for Marol Block appreciated the organization saying that he has learned from the training and that he will make sure to they disseminate the importance of trees to both humans and physical environment in his area.
“Trees have a lot of importance to us and we have learned today. I will help spread this message to the residents of my block. Sometimes having a lot of trees around your homes beautify your home and also provide shade for your family and the community around you,” Khor said.
Khor called on the state government to also enact laws to prevent forests from being destroyed.
“I urge our government to enact laws to prevent these random cutting down of trees because as we learned today, these trees are of importance to us,” he added.
Meanwhile Phillip Alier Panchol, the area chief for Malou Block appreciated PATO and also called upon his community to work together to replace the lost trees in last year’s floods.
“We need to work hand in hand as in my area we have lost a lot of trees due to last year’s devastating flooding and with this we are calling on this organization to provide us with more trees so that we plant more trees to replace those we lost during flooding,” Phillip said.
The organization provided the participants with 10 mango tree seedlings after the training.
Plant A Tree Organization, (PATO) is a youth led organization based in Jonglei state aiming at enhancing a greener environment in the state and the whole country.