By Bida Elly David
South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) yesterday accused SPLM-IO on massive mobilisation of rebel forces and armed civilians in Upper-Nile.
In a press Statement extended to No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday, Maj. Gen Lul Ruai Koang the SSPDF’s spokesperson said that SPLA-IO waged mobilisation of rebel forces and armed civilian aimed at attacking and recapturing places in Upper Nile.
‘’It is with great concern that SSPDF GHQs would like to inform the people of South Sudan, regional and International Community about the on-going massive mobilisation of rebel forces and armed civilians by our peace partner, SPLA/SPLM-IO in Nasir, Maiwut and Longobok Counties in Upper Nile State’’ he said
Lul said that Concerted Mobilisation efforts were being led by Lt. Gen. Peter Thuok Chuol, Maj. Gen. Thuok Chuol Leiy, Brig. Gen. Hok- Dor Chuol and Commissioners of Nasir and Longchuk Counties.
Furthermore Lul underscored that armed civilians have been mobilised with Military Objectives of attacking and recapturing major parts of Upper Nile on the 1st of May for offensive operations.
‘’As things Stand, armed civilians from Cieng-Wang, Cieng- Lang and Cieng-Yol had been successfully mobilised with military objectives of attacking and recapturing Malual-Gak-Hoch and Jokou in 1ST phase of offensive operations’’ Lul underscored
However, Lul reiterated that the current mobilisation of SPLM/SPLA-IO from Cieng-Reng, Thiang and some elements targeted Turu, Maiwut and Pagak on the second phase of the offensive operations.
‘’The on-going mobilisation of SPLM/SPLA-IO fighters and armed civilians from Cieng-Reng, Thiang and some elements from Cieng-Chany is aimed at attacking and recapturing Turu, Maiwut and pagak in second phase of offensive operations’’ Lul reiterated.
In continuation Lul said that SSPDF called upon the peace mediators to impose pressure on SPLM/SPLA-IO leadership to avert looming conflict.
He pointed out that the leadership of SSPDF reiterated its commitment towards fulfilling the implementation of the transitional arrangements.
‘’SSPDF calls upon the International Community, IGAD, RJMEC and CTSSAM-VM to bear pressure on SPLM/SPLA-IO leadership in order to avert looming conflict. Finally, SSPDF leadership reiterates its commitment to full implementation of transitional arrangements’’ he pointed.
On his part, Lam Paul Gabriel SPLA-IO spokesperson denied the accusation by the SSPDF leadership on the mobilisation of rebel groups and armed civilians in Upper Nile.
‘’The SPLA-IO right in this May on the accusation made by the SSPDF spokesperson that the SPLA-IO is mobilising rebels and armed youth in Nasir along Maiwut. This is a cooked Statement aimed at justifying the SSPDF planned offensive against the SPLA-IO position beyond and around those areas they mentioned. To be sincere, we have not mobilised anybody for war since our forces are at the cantonment site implementing the peace agreement ’’ Lam said.
Lam said that the initiative taken by the SSPDF referring to the SPLA-IO as rebel was due to lack of political will and deep rooting hatred against them.
‘’Referring to the SPLA-IO as rebel is not only violation but also a clear lack of political will and deep-rooted hatred against the SPLA-IO by our peace partners the SSPDF. This calling of SPLA-IO as rebels is enough justification of attacking the SPLA-IO forces which we know is eminent in the near future’’ Lam said.
Lam termed the accusation by the SSPDF a negative propaganda and a plan against the SPLA-IO and called upon the CTSSAM-VM and the joint defence forces to investigate the propaganda.
‘’Much as we know it is a negative propaganda and at the same time a future plan against the SPLA-IO, I call upon the CTSSAM-VM and the Joint defence force to investigate this negative propaganda by the SSPDF against the SPLA-IO and we are ready to finish the remaining security arrangements’’ Lam stated.