By Ngor Deng Matem
The Ministry of Education in Twic County of Warrap State has distributed motorcycles to the Education Supervisors in the six Payams at Turalei town, in the County’s headquarter yesterday.
The Education Director for Twic County, Mawith Angok Deng during the handover said that the decision to distribute the motorcycles is ease mobility during the supervision of Education activities in remote villages.
The six motorbikes were procured by the county Education ministry according to the announcement made.
“The Ministry of Education in Twic has decided to buy the seven motorbikes to be distributed to the Education supervisors to ease the mobility. The supervisors will be using these bikes for transport in the Payams,” Mawith stated.
However, the County’s education director revealed that there are many challenges that they are facing and that buying of the motorbikes was one way of addressing them.
“There are many challenges facing us in the ministry which includes shortage of qualified teachers, infrastructure and others but we were able to address some challenges and some can be addressed in the state ministry. We formed a committee to plan ways of addressing the challenges. And therefore, we agreed to buy the motorbikes from our operation cost. We bought them with 2.5 million SSP,” Mawith said.
The official said that the maintenance and fueling of these bikes shall be the responsibility of the Payam Education office.
James Malong Ater, a representative of Education Supervisors in Twic County expressed their happiness.
“We have been facing challenges of transport especially when we are needed for emergency meetings. Now this has solved the issue of transport and we are very happy to have them today. These give people wonders as to where we got the money for buying. This is the first time for Education to witness this wonderful achievement,” Malong said
“Each motorbike cost 360,000 South Sudanese Pounds. And we are very grateful to the county commissioner for helping us with all the processes,” Malong added.
For their part, the representatives of ADRA- an NGO, Mr. Andrea Ayuel Atem urged the people who are assigned with new motorbikes to use the bikes strictly for Education purposes.
“Now that motorbikes have been given to you, let the issue of mobility not be a challenge or excuses. Kindly use these motorbikes for the benefit of Education activities,” Ayuel stressed.
Ayuel also expressed ADRA’s readiness to support the education buy giving petrol for the use of the bikes.
In addition, the minister of education of Warrap state Kuot Deng Kuot re-echoed on the inadequate transport being a challenge in the state.
“I have to admit that lack of transport to assess the schools is a challenge across the state. To assure you, I bought nine motorbikes in the ministry. I also want to say that provision of motorbikes is not the solution to improve education system but the commitment and love for the nation shall be above all,” he said.
Kuot had further spotlighted the plans to improve effusion system in the state.
“We have plans and priorities as a ministry in Warrap state. My first work was to assess the counties in the state in order to assess the Education progress and I found out that, education needs to be revived in our state. We need to do this through empowering teachers. What are the qualifications of each teacher in the education sector”?
“This is because we want to improve the education system. Someone who completed senior four must be a teacher in primary school but must be someone trained meanwhile the secondary school teacher must be a graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Education,” he concluded.
Twic county commissioner Eng. Deng Tong Goc has urged the education officials to provide quality education to children.
Tong also appealed to education leaders to properly use the government assets.