

Children prepare your minds as you resume school soon

Schools are resuming very soon for the children who had a long holiday and an extension of the Eid celebrations but it is now time to sharpen those pencils, wash the shoes, uniforms, school bags and have all the necessary school requirements ready for the next school season.

It is important to rest especially for the young minds to grow and develop. Research shows that infants to teenagers need to sleep from 12-16 to 8-10 hours respectively while for the adult, between 7 and 9 hours is needed.

But then since there is a time for everything in this world, it’s time for the parents to buy more books, pens and other scholastic materials for all those books, pens and all other academic resources which were used up in the previous academic year.   

To our dear young generation, may the Lord move with you through this great educational journey which is full of learning what you don’t know and what you thought you actually knew. There is more that school going children learn from the school besides what is got only from the chalk board.

Important life skills like communication skills, leadership skills, creativity skills and even talents which are grown like for those who play football, are track and field runners, basketball and other important qualities that when nurtured well will be the ways to transform our country into a much better one than it is now.

“You are the leaders of tomorrow” – is a saying that you must have heard daily from the day that you started to comprehend what you listened. For those who have been told so, read from here today and believe it that you are the leaders of tomorrow.

Tomorrow means the future and it is definitely not going to need a person who is not learned so get your mind ready for education just as you get your school material ready. Have a great term. Truly! Education is the key to success and development.     

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