
EU recommits funding to S. Sudan amidst Russia-Ukraine crisis

By Philip Buda Ladu

The European Union (EU) Ambassador to South Sudan, Christian Bader has reiterated EU commitment to continue pouring millions of US dollars in humanitarian assistance to the young nation despite Russia-Ukraine war.

Ambassador Bader made the statement to journalists in Juba on Monday, marking the commemoration of the European Union Day, adding that some might think that they will shift attention of the EU back home.

But Bader said he wanted to celebrate the EU Day as much as possible with the people of this Country, because he wanted really to give a message that, what they do in South Sudan they do it for the people of this country.

“I am not an expert in economics but I could assume that the US dollar will also climb so you will have consequences in this country and that shows us that we are leaving in a global world that like climate change, conflicts that might appear very far from you will have to face consequences,” Bader hinted.

“We are in the middle of this one; the European Union is of course in the frontline in Europe and we are of course fighting against this aggression of the Russian Confederation against Ukraine. And then I have a lot of friends here who say that you know the focus is now there in Europe and there will be consequences” “The message I would like to convey to you today is that we are still completely committed to serve in this country” he reiterated.

Notably, the diplomat said they might do more visible, to show that they are here for the people of South Sudan.

The EU Envoy to Juba underlined that, they now have a crisis in Europe that’s known, a big one which has an impact here in South Sudan, noting that commodities prices have started climbing.

“Whatever happens you know that resources we will still mobilize them, as far as I am concerned, I saw no impact on what we do on this country the money which has been committed. We are still working with a commitment of 300 million Euro in this country and we have committed 200 more between 2021 and 2024 and in 2024 we will start be talking about the next commitment 2024-to-2027,” EU Ambassador said.

Nevertheless, the EU Ambassador to South Sudan said that, the image of South Sudan is always an image of a country where millions of people are in trouble, where millions of people are exposed to famine/hunger, where women are raped where children are killed and houses burnt saying this isn’t good because this will mean that the only thing they can do in this country is humanitarian assistance.

He said, ever since the EU came into South Sudan what is needed in the country is humanitarian assistance. Bader however said though humanitarian assistance is needed now they must stop it in a country where there’s rain, water, grass and where sparse population adding they will very much to move to development cooperation that means assisting in something serious which is agriculture, health and education.

However, Ambassador Bader denied the previous media reports which he said they misquoted him as saying there was donor fatigue for South Sudan.

“As per as I am concern, we have no donor fatigue, not at all, we are at the middle of the river and we cannot say like we are not pleased with what is happening, of course there are many things we are not pleased with but that doesn’t mean we are tired or we will abandon the country no way! We are still here we started to be here from the beginning and we will stay with you guys until one day we will move from humanitarian assistance to economic development,” Bader stressed.  

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