
NBGs: Former minister declares plans to contest for governorship in 2023 election

By Ngor Deng Matem

The former minister of information in Northern Bahr El Ghazal state Abraham Wol Kom has declared his candidacy for governorship if elections will take place in 2023 as planned. Wol Kom made the announcement on his Facebook wall.

The Revitalized Peace Agreement which installed the reconstituted Transitional government of national unity of South Sudan stipulates that the General election will take place in 2023.

According to the agreement, the population counts, return of IDPs and refugees and the unification of security forces for the country to have one national army should take place before the election is conducted.

“I’m going to contest for governorship in NBGs Aweil in the election of 2023 under the Slogan “Patriotism, Protection and Prosperity” if cadre Tong Akeen Ngor is the next candidate for SPLM in 2023 Election,” he said in his Facebook page.

“My plan on my intention to contest will be unveiled to public as appropriately needed. I therefore ask all those who want to enjoy nationalism, protection and prosperity in NBGS/Aweil of South Sudan, to vote for me if election comes,” he added.

In the statement, Abraham Wol Kom promised to make his intention public with it is appropriate. He said that he is an active member of the SPLM ruling party and he comes from Aweil East County.

Abraham was removed from the ministerial position in October 2021 after he served under the reconstituted Transitional government of national unity in Aweil.

Wol previously served as a teacher during the Sudan civil War until the comprehensive peace agreement known as CPA was signed in Naivasha, Kenya in 2005.

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