By Ngor Deng Matem
At least three people have reportedly been killed and three others wounded in renewed clashes between Abyei and Twic armed youth.
Among the dead includes a two-year-old child, and two others.
Speaking to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, the Abyei Spokesman Ajak Deng Miyen confirmed that two people got wounded on their side when they were attacked at Malual Aleu.
“We only recorded two wounded people in the first attack at Malual Aleu. We never recorded dead figures. This is very sad news as it violates the cessation of hostility agreement,” Hon Ajak stated.
According to Ajak, a serious monitoring of the implementation of signed agreement would prevent further violence.
However, Twic authorities have also confirmed the killing of three people and one wounded.
During the clashes, enormous villages of Athony, Nyalou, Akuor, Dam Ayual and others were burnt down according to Twic authorities.
On Monday, 9th May 2022, the Aneet investigation committee confirmed the renewal of clashes despite of signing of the cessation of hostility agreement.
The committee has promised to investigate the reasons for the renewal of clashes and warned to hold the culprits accountable.